
KUWAIT CITY, March 23: The Kuwaiti Official Gazette has published Interior Minister Decision No. 425 of 2025, which amends certain provisions of Ministerial Resolution No. 1976/81 regarding the executive regulations of the Traffic Law and its amendments. The resolution outlines the following changes to Article 85 of Ministerial Resolution No. 76/81:
Private Driving License: This license is issued for driving private cars with no more than seven passengers, transport vehicles with a load capacity of no more than two tons, and taxis. It is valid for 15 years for Kuwaitis and citizens of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. For expats, it is valid for five years, while for stateless residents (Bedouins), it is valid for the duration of their review card.
General driving license:
Category A: This is issued for driving passenger transport vehicles with more than 25 passengers, public transport vehicles, transport vehicles, locomotives, trailers, and semi-trailers with a load capacity exceeding eight tons, as well as vehicles for transporting hazardous materials and those used for teaching vehicle driving.
Category B: This is issued for driving passenger transport vehicles with more than seven passengers but fewer than 25, public transport vehicles, and transport vehicles with a load capacity exceeding two tons but not exceeding eight tons.
The general driving license for both categories is valid for 15 years for Kuwaitis and GCC citizens. For expats, it is valid for five years, and for stateless residents, it is valid for the duration of the review card. A person holding a general driving license in Category B may not drive vehicles permitted under Category A. Public sector licenses issued before this decision will remain valid until their expiration.
Motorcycle driving license:
Category A: This is issued for driving all types of motorcycles, teaching motorcycle driving, and teaching the driving of land vehicles (A.T.V.).
Category B: This is issued for driving motorcycles with three or more wheels.
The motorcycle driving license for both categories is valid for 15 years for Kuwaitis and GCC citizens, five years for expats, and for the duration of the review card for stateless residents. A person holding a Category B motorcycle driving license cannot drive vehicles allowed under Category A. Motorcycle driving licenses issued before this decision remain valid until their expiration.
Construction, industrial, agricultural, or tractor driving license: This license is issued for driving all types of construction, industrial, agricultural, or tractor vehicles. It is valid for 15 years for Kuwaitis and GCC citizens, five years for expats, and for the duration of the review card for stateless residents.
Special activity driving license: This license is issued for driving all types of vehicles used in service activities specified in the license, with the type of activity recorded therein. It is valid for 15 years for Kuwaitis and GCC citizens, five years for non-Kuwaitis, and for the duration of the review card for stateless residents. This license will be canceled if the holder changes their profession or if their residency in the country is revoked. It is not permitted to drive these vehicles on public roads or in places unrelated to the service activities. The procedures and fees for this license are the same as those for private sector licenses.