New Services for Job Seekers and Employers

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KUWAIT CITY, June 10: The Public Authority for Manpower revealed that the Authority is consistently working to enhance online systems and integrate services and procedures within the Sahel application, alongside the Ashal service and other online services provided by the Authority.

This initiative is part of the Authority’s commitment to streamline and automate all procedures to achieve complete digitalization. The goal is to facilitate and expedite the completion of transactions for business owners, encompassing everything from opening files and registering national and expatriate workers to needs assessment services and inspections.

The Authority has launched several platforms, including the “Fakhruna” platform, designed for recruiting Kuwaiti national citizens. This platform benefits job seekers in the private sector and includes services such as the disbursement of a job search allowance for eligible individuals, requests for graduate stipends, and unemployment insurance. It also addresses graduates’ bonus grievances and provides a service for applying for the graduates’ bonus.

Additionally, the platform offers services for submitting requests to disburse graduates’ stipends and unemployment allowances and completing graduates’ transactions. It also facilitates access to job search allowances and unemployment insurance and showcases job opportunities provided by companies through the Authority’s website.

The source added that the Authority enables Kuwaiti nationals to register via online forms of Ashal service, which streamlines 71 automated procedures within companies.

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