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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, Dec 26: Arab expatriates serving as “domestic workers” constitute a minority (0.5 percent) among those working under this clause in Kuwait, as they made up only 3,654 out of a total 707, 061 servants as at the end of 2018.

As per statistics issued by the General Administration of Immigration, the number of Arab nationals who served as domestic workers as of 2015 ending stood at 2,942 out of the total 651,386 domestic workers registered at the end of 2015, indicating the rate of increase in domestic workers during that period was 55, 675, including 378 Arabs.

It showed the number of domestic workers of non-Arab Asian nationalities was about 650.9 thousand at the end of 2018 compared to 596,110 at the end of 2015, which constituted an increase of 63,899 during that period.

The number of domestic workers from non-Arab countries reached 43, 477 by the end of 2018, while their number was 52, 074 at 2015 ending, and the rate of decline from those countries within four years reached about 8,597 while the number of servants from other countries were only 11 in 2018 and 16 at the end of 2015, leaving a difference of 11 cases only.

It also mentioned the number of female domestic workers at the end of 2018 was 354 ,827 compared to that of 352,234 males. It is worth mentioning there is only one domestic worker from the Australian-Pacific group, and there is no domestic worker from North America.

Commenting on the figures, an official from the domestic workers recruitment bureau stated: “The increase in number of domestic workers in Kuwait is a natural outcome of the growing number of Kuwaiti families.”

He added: “The largest category of domestic workers in Kuwait is from India, Bangladesh and the Philippines,” justifying the decrease in number of maids from Africa, especially Ethiopia, saying many of them did not adapt to the working conditions of Kuwait’s domestic sector, coupled with the problems many maids from the country in question created.

“There is no ban on recruitment of Arab domestic workers in Kuwait, but it’s done in the rarest cases, as the general custom does not allow Arabs to enter Kuwait to work as domestic workers but there are exceptional cases. Therefore, we find the number of Arabs who entered the country years ago through the establishment of Article 20 is very few “, he noted.

By Najeh Bilal Al-Seyassah Staff and Agencies