
Sunday, October 06, 2024

No confiscation of passports or phones from Ethiopian workers

Kuwait and Ethiopia strengthen domestic worker protections with new agreement

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No confiscation of passports or phones from Ethiopian workers

KUWAIT CITY, Oct 6: The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the employment of domestic workers between Kuwait and Ethiopia outlines the duties and rights of both parties, ensuring the protection and rights of all Ethiopian domestic workers in Kuwait. This MoU, issued by decree and published in the Official Gazette, includes areas of cooperation and specifies the responsibilities of each party. One of Kuwait’s key responsibilities is to ensure that domestic workers’ passports or mobile phones are not confiscated. Both parties have agreed to prevent discrimination, protect workers’ rights, ensure adherence to both countries' laws and international obligations, reduce recruitment costs, and recruit workers through licensed agencies.

Kuwait's responsibilities

The MoU defines the following responsibilities for Kuwait:

- Ensure domestic workers are employed and protected in accordance with the host country's laws, regulations, and decisions.

- Pay workers' wages as per the employment contract and ensure proper documentation.

- Allow domestic workers to have a bank account in their own name.

- Provide food, clothing, and housing for domestic workers.

- Compensate for work injuries and repatriate deceased workers.

- Prohibit the retention of personal or identity documents, such as passports.

- Permit mobile phones and other means of communication with families.

- Ensure affected workers have access to consular services at the Ethiopian Embassy.

- Facilitate workers' return to Ethiopia upon contract completion or during emergencies.

- Establish a 24-hour support mechanism for domestic workers.

Ethiopia's responsibilities

Under the MoU, Ethiopia is responsible for the following:

- Ensure domestic workers meet health requirements and are disease-free.

- Provide criminal record certificates for domestic workers.

- Ensure domestic workers comply with Kuwait's laws, ethics, values, and customs.

- Facilitate the return of workers who violate contract conditions.

- Prohibit Ethiopian recruitment agencies from charging fees or deducting wages.

- Train domestic workers and familiarize them with Kuwaiti laws and customs.

- Ensure recruitment is conducted through licensed agencies.

Dispute resolution mechanism

The MoU states that any disputes regarding its interpretation or implementation should be resolved amicably through negotiations via diplomatic channels. A joint committee, headed by senior officials from both sides, will be established to oversee the implementation of the MoU. The committee’s tasks will include:

- Reviewing and evaluating the MoU's implementation.

- Recommending amendments or additional agreements as needed.

- Addressing any issues that arise during implementation.

The joint committee will meet annually or as required, alternating between the two countries. Meetings will be scheduled through diplomatic channels.

Validity and amendments

The MoU will take effect from the date the last notification is received, confirming that both parties have fulfilled the necessary national procedures. It can be amended by mutual agreement and will remain in effect for three years, automatically renewing for similar periods unless one party notifies the other of its intent to terminate it at least six months before expiration.