No warning issued: US embassy

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KUWAIT CITY, Nov 15, (KUNA): The United States Embassy in Kuwait denied on Wednesday what has been circulated on social media that it issued warnings about the weather in the country.

In a statement to KUNA, the embassy said that what was issued specifically by the consular section is a statement urging American citizens residing in Kuwait to be cautious and follow relevant official instructions, get updated bout the latest weather conditions and announcements about closures of some roads.

The embassy noted that the consulate has stopped receiving the visitors since the middle of the day and invited everyone to follow up its website to know the working times in the consular section. Directorate General of Civil Aviation’s Meteorological Department said on Wednesday that light to moderate rainfall is now continuing on various areas of the country, accompanied by thundering rains with low horizontal visibility to below 1,000 meters on some areas due to the fog.

The Civil Defense Committee in the Kuwaiti Ministry of Defense on Wednesday urged citizens and residents to stay indoor except for urgent matters due to the ongoing unstable weather conditions and the heavy downpour in the country

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