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High orders were issued to the government on the need to work to improve the citizen’s standard of living.

Raising the standard of living does not lie in increasing salaries, as these increases will create a wave of inflation, which will devour these increases, and the citizen will then discover that he has placed huge financial burdens on public funds, and the increase has eroded, and on top of that, the state of government services remains backward, and therefore one must think outside the box how to improve the citizen’s standard of living, and this requires thinking about implementing all or most of the following matters:

1 - The necessity of declaring that the state of our roads constitutes a national disaster that cannot be solved within the requirements of “speed, cost and quality”, without calling in a global monitoring company, the size of the American “Bechtel”, for example, which saved the oil industry immediately after the liberation, to provide oversight assistance. And the technical staff of the Ministry of Public Works, which is almost devoid of any competencies that can be trusted and relied upon to carry out the road repair process.

The core of this company’s work will be to supervise the awarding of tenders to various local and other companies, and to supervise the paving operations, starting with the asphalt factory, which is approved by it, through transporting the material to the road, and ending with paving and inspecting it, and issuing clearance certificates.

2 - Accelerating the launch of vital projects and moving the wheel of the economy.

3 - Conducting a review of the salary structure of state employees, and make them equal to each other, even if this leads to reducing the salaries of some sectors.

4 - Reconsidering Law No. 44/1994.

5 - Expediting the filling of vacant senior positions.

6 - Ending the issue of forged and unaccredited certificates, by declaring that anyone who comes forward and declares that his university degree, or what follows it, is illegal, has the right to continue in his job for a period of six months, provided that he is re-employed at a lower level, after that, with a job that is commensurate with the latest certificate he holds, and is exempted from any financial fines or else face punishment if identified and proven to hold forged documents and end up with referral to the prosecution.

7 - Re-issuing the Election Commission law free of any defects.

8 - Proceed as quickly as possible in awarding Kuwait 2040 projects.

9 - Accelerating the improvement of the level of medical care, allocating government hospitals for citizens only, and hosting international doctors to Kuwait, periodically.

10 - Opening up the state, similar to what is happening in the Gulf countries, and curbing politicized religious parties.

11 - Approval of the new traffic law, which includes imposing deterrent fines for violations!

12 - Preventing mediation when appointing employees, and subjecting candidates for senior positions to competency tests and personal interviews.

13 - Immediately complete the process of automating “all” government transactions using the “online” method thus greatly reducing the need for parliamentary intermediaries.

14 - Putting an end to the conflicts of some family members and bring their disagreements within manageable limits.

This is in addition to other reforms that we have called for several decades ago but none of them have been implemented, even though the majority of them fall within the powers of the executive authority.

We have learned from our relatively short democratic history that the productivity of the government apparatus, during all periods of the dissolution of Parliament, without exception, reached very low levels, despite having time and a large margin of freedom of movement.

This lack of productivity and the failure to meet the citizen’s minimum demands, during these periods have always pushed the latter to choose the confrontational representative, who finds in the government’s failure an opening to tickle the feelings of his voters and convince them of his ability to achieve what the government was unable to achieve.

The period remaining until the next elections is not long, but the government can do miracles in the same period by approving many things through thoughtful and selected decrees.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf