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Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil

THE document signed by several fanatics in this country, promising tight grip on society through the implementation of hallow slogans prohibiting co-education in universities and schools, as well as segregation in sports clubs which they discovered recently.

In my opinion, this document is nothing more than throwing dust into the eye and diverting public attention to how these people, especially those from the Muslim Brotherhood Group, could go back on their vow to boycott the ‘one-vote’ election as they promised their electorate who are fascinated by their kind.

Here they are, turning against their vow in a disappointing and shameful manner without even apologizing to those who were fascinated by them, marched on the streets because of them and entered the jail to support them.

They have washed their faces with ... and executed the proverb, “If you don’t feel ashamed, do whatever you like”.

We are sure that their retreat from the promises they gave to their supporters do not represent their belief in democracy, Parliament, legislative and oversight in a manner understood by any insightful person.

These people saw what they missed in terms of goodies, privileges, wealth and higher positions for their children and supporters; given that the government dealt with them toughly and the only thing promised to them if they decided to return to the proper path was a carrot.

It is very unfortunate that you will see how they will end up getting the lion’s share of the government’s generosity in a bid to keep them silent under the pretext that “when you feed the mouth, the eye shuts off.”

We tell those who went against their words: You are not welcome at all. We have taken a recess from you and your ill-gotten miserable fame, and uncovered manipulation that spanned years. We took recess from you at some point and from the hands ... but it is very unfortunate that you did not leave us to congratulate you for your departure which we hoped to have remained so for many years to come.

We tell you that your departure was a celebration but it is very unfortunate that the celebration ended in a blink of an eye.

One of the lawyers vying for a parliamentary seat said he called one of the companies given the advertisement rights of parliamentary election candidates, and the company told him they have a bundle of (39) pictures which will cost him about KD 90,000!!!

The lawyer said his constituency consists of more than six residential areas; so if every photo from each bundle is displayed in one of the residential areas, it will cost him about half million Kuwaiti dinars only.

Where is transparency and where is the fight against corruption? Where are the slogans such as, “From where did you acquire all these?”

It is sad and unfortunate for a country whose children continue to drag it deeper and deeper into corruption. After the candidate succeeds in his election bid, he will reimburse — by hook or by crook — the huge amount spent on photos which we currently see everywhere we turn our necks.

This is how we continue going round and round the empty circle with regard to corruption, and it will continue forever.

E-mail: [email protected].

By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli - Former Minister of Oil