I am a teacher working in a private English school here in Kuwait. The contract gets renewed every year. In January we must sign for the following academic year (end of August to end of August). I am considering leaving the country but I’m not sure what my position will be. Can I hand in my notice and leave without penalty? Would I still get my gratuity? How much notice would I need to give them? (Am I entitled to do this?)
Name withheld
Answer: The notice period which is for a duration of three months is mandatory unless either of the sides is willing to forego it. As you explained your contract period is from August to August, we advise that you submit your letter of resignation on June 1 to take effect on September 1. By so doing you will cover the three-month notice period if it is required and at the same time you have nothing to lose if you are not required to give the notice period as the contract is of one year duration subject to renewal.
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