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TODAY, we are witnessing a full-fledged government, which is originally the response of our leaders to the wish of Kuwaitis.
This team is different from previous governments, which were formed on the principle of quotas or sects, or the premier was weak; and those who had political rivalries between the social components or elements that were not qualified for the executive position.
This led to the weakening of the premiership of the Council of Ministers, making it exposed and receiving blows from every angle.
But, this time, we also have a prime minister who upholds integrity and has no political rivalries with majority of the components of society.
Rather, he is almost the only personality unanimously approved by many, and who is not contaminated by the ploys of the deep State. Also, he is shouldering a daunting task in correcting the course that His Highness the Crown Prince pledged to work on in the current stage.
Therefore, the entire executive team of the State is facing a difficult test, no less dangerous and sensitive than all the difficulties the country has been facing over the past four decades. It cannot be ignored and there should be negligence in any field; especially the social, economic and political challenges regionally and internationally.
Perhaps, one of the advantages which helps in overcoming obstacles is that the new Cabinet is not only monitored by its prime minister; but also under the watchful eye of His Highness the Crown Prince who is well-known for his decisiveness. Therefore, the ball is in the court of ministers who must render trust to their owners with integrity and perseverance.
They do not put their personal and electoral interests before the interests of the country and people. Rather, they must achieve, even if there are some mistakes.
To err is human, and whoever works makes mistakes, but they should not be the reason for not performing to the fullest; because of fear and intimidation from parliamentary accountability or malicious parliamentary questions. Otherwise, this means a catastrophic failure of the minister who gained the confidence of the political leadership first, and secondly, His Highness the Prime Minister who nominated him because he saw in him qualities that qualify him to handle this difficult stage in the history of Kuwait, the region and the world.
Yes, there are a number of files that must be worked on quickly. Here, too, the National Assembly is facing the fateful test; but whatever the challenges, they end up getting what they want. They should pay tribute to the people who trusted them and held them responsible for ridding them of the consequences of the past stage.
Likewise, the leadership believes in the rightness of their demands, and that being proactive is better for them; that is, to roll up their sleeves and begin, from today, with the opening of the first session, to work on reform, and to put aside their personal tendencies, as well as their authoritarian and electoral desires so that they do not fall and then they should fix the country.
Today, everyone in the two authorities stands in front of the mirror of truth -- either they work to correct the path, which His Highness the Crown Prince has repeatedly emphasized, saying on more than one occasion that he will “work for the prosperity of Kuwait, spread the spirit of love and tolerance, reject division, and prioritize the supreme national interest.”
Also, they should not raise a flag other than the Kuwaiti flag -- neither sectarian, tribal, family nor clan flag, in order for Kuwait to rise from its repression and exercise its pioneering role as it was in the past, and even better.
Otherwise, they might disappoint the people, and return to the bickering and absurd struggle for their own interests. Then, all the efforts exerted on the betterment of the country will turn into zero.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah
Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times