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THE state is a decision set by its leadership who are entrusted by the people. Therefore, whenever a citizen encounters an error or witnesses corruption, he addresses those concerned to contain it and fix it.

The law may not allow people to address the rulers directly, but in numerous nations, it is permitted, especially in countries that adopt a democratic approach. This is due to the fact that people are considered equal according to constitutions and laws, and this is emphasized by all religions. It is also because a citizen has no protection other than the leadership, the decision-makers. We hence say this openly - Whatever Kuwait has been enduring for years pleases a sworn enemy and disheartens a friend before anyone else.

For several decades, Kuwait was a pioneer, inventor of ideas and implementer, while the rest mimicked and followed Kuwait’s footsteps.

But in the last three decades, Kuwait has apparently become stagnant or sterile. It either sings about the past, or imitates others. However, it failed in both these cases, because ruminating about the bright past does not restore lost glory.

It was not in a better condition when mimicking, as it seemed like a crow that tried to imitate the way a dove walks but failed. And when it tried to walk normally, it also failed. In fact, it did the opposite of what countries would normally do, as it closed in on itself and became gloomy.

When we talk about corruption, we are not inventing it. It is visible to the eye. We see it on the roads, and from the negligence shown towards the development of infrastructure, economy and education, the terrifying social and cultural decline, the increase in crime rates, the spread of drugs, in the deals between MPs, ministers, undersecretaries and their assistants, and in the non-compliance with the law.

Our country is witnessing all this because matters are being entrusted to those who are not worthy of it. Although the decision-maker cannot be familiar with the economy, society and security, he must master the art of management, especially by choosing competent people with specialization, each from his field, similar to the Chinese experience that began in 1978 when its president Deng Xiaoping saw that the country was on the verge of a major crisis.

With the increase in the population and despite the economic brains it enjoys, it chose an Iraqi-born strategic expert Prof. Elias Korkis. Within ten years, China turned into an economic giant, after suffering from several years of poverty and famine.

In the science of administration, an official in any position must not be the owner of a personal agenda, but must instead work for the supreme interest of the state. A statesman prioritizes the interest of the country before his aspirations for the position of minister or prime minister. He works to pave the way for all initiatives that enhance social and economic stability because the country’s national security is achieved through their achievements.

When there is a desire for that, everyone becomes soldiers for the homeland, each in his position and capacity. Based on this principle, the past and present leaders of the Emirates worked and were able to raise the level of the citizens, educationally above all, and then gave them free rein to work in all fields.

A few days ago, the Sharjah government announced that it was able to grow wheat using scientific methods, under the supervision of foreign experts, but managed by citizens. Also, the UAE reached space. In order to open up, it issued five-year visit visas.

Likewise, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia did not drown in the illusion of “flatteries”, but rather sought the help of experts from all over the world to draw up plans for advancement, either in the “NEOM” project or openness to the world, or in industrial and residential cities. The officials did not “whine” or wait for a minister to accept this decision or an MP to approve that law. None of them despaired.

Their only concern was to market their country at all levels - politically, economically, and socially. For this reason, Saudi Arabia sent 100,000 students to study in European and Western universities and brought them back to serve their countries. Today the state has become vital in many fields.

Governance is not a representative in parliament, or a minister only, but it is a set of steps supervised by the decision-maker.

Here I remember the saying of the mother of Alexander the Great when she gave birth to him - “O God, grant him privilege by which the people of reason serve him, and do not grant him a mind by which he serves the people of fortune.”

A leader is the one who seeks to employ people of intellect to serve his country, and imposes the decision firmly. This is because he is entrusted with the fate of the state. People will not hold MPs or undersecretaries accountable, but rather the rulers because people entrusted them the responsibility of handling their affairs.