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IT is unreasonable for the government system, along with all its constitutional experts, to violate the Constitution and advise the issuance of a decree that is beyond the powers of His Highness the Amir.

Despite this, everything that was raised about postponing the convening of the new National Assembly is a legitimate right of the opponents and supporters.

This is Kuwait, which enjoys a wide scope of ​​freedom of opinion and expression; but the most important question remains: Where is the interest of the country and its people?

The people do not want this controversy which can be resolved through agreement or the use of constitutional mechanisms; so the country does not remain in a state of unnecessary vacuum. At the same time, this will enable the two authorities to perform constitutional formalities and then start the government reform workshop from within.

Regardless of such opinions and the results of His Highness the Prime Minister’s meeting with the MPs; it is necessary to get out of this impasse quickly, and to start addressing the problems inherited from previous governments and parliaments.

It is not possible to keep the country without a budget, and to continue to leave executive positions in many ministries and institutions vacant.

It is unacceptable to keep development suspended and to keep citizens in a state of permanent anticipation, where concerns are doing their work; especially in light of the intensifying regional and international situation, which needs the solidarity of everyone to confront it.

Frankly, neither Kuwait nor the ruling house is devoid of elements capable of understanding the threads of the Constitution. Therefore, if the measures taken are contradictory, this is due to a misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the Constitution.

This entails the need to use experts with vast experience -- citizens or even foreigners as the case in many other countries -- to get out of the deadlocks caused by ambiguous interpretations of the Constitution and conflicting opinions or those based on the interpreter’s own interest.

At this critical moment, everyone is supposed to learn from the past stage and the stagnation that the country suffered for four years due to the absurd conflict between the previous four governments and the National Assembly.

This is necessary to realize the magnitude of losses that the country incurred during that period and the poor quality of education -- the most important problem which necessitates the concerted efforts of everyone to develop it and improve its output to reach sustainable levels similar to the rest of the world, not just the ‘Gulf Cooperation Council’ (GCC) countries. This is also necessary to end the cycle of our graduates becoming mere clerks with a productivity level that does not exceed 12 minutes per day.

Without a doubt, it is now necessary to start a healthy relationship between the government and the National Assembly. Their goal should be to pass productive laws and open the country like the rest of the GCC countries, which achieved very high investment rates.

Every visitor or expatriate should not be seen as a criminal project, as in our case. This necessitates correcting the imbalance in health infrastructure, as well as solving the housing and economic problems that burden citizens.

Definitely, this is in addition to reforming the constitutional flaw that has been revealed by practice over the past six decades.

All this cannot be achieved if each team stays entrenched behind its slogans and interests, and does not look at the national interest or benefits of every Kuwaiti. Ministers and the nation’s representatives must realize the responsibility entrusted to each of them.

Finally ... SOS!  O our leader.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times