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IT seems that everyone in Kuwait has reached a semi-stalemate, because no one hears the groaning of the people about the situation of the country, and the bad consequences of the legislative and governmental stagnation.

These officials are being called by their bare names because they did not find anyone to hear them when they endured the pain that reached the core of their bones.

Nonetheless, in pursuant to the verse - “And continue to remind, for surely the reminder profits the believers” - it is necessary to recall what we wrote a few months ago about the story of a Bedouin who called one of the kings by his name without exaltation or glorification.

At that time, the guards had pounced on him, and said to him, “O you hobo, how dare you address the king like this?”

But the eminent king stopped them and ordered them to “allow the man to speak.”

The man said to the king, “Are you angry because I called you by your name, while I call the King of kings by his name, O Allah?”

The king said, “Approach me and advise me, for I am fed up with poems of praise.”

The Bedouin said, “It wouldn’t have been yours if it lasted for someone else. Look at both sides... these are their palaces, and these are their graves.”

There is no doubt that we are in this situation whereby the country is in dire need for someone to speak the truth and give sincere advice to the country that we must strive to preserve because we have no alternative to it.

In pursuit of reform, we must hear the voices of the people against whom the stakeholders and advisors closed the doors of government, and instead opened them to the elite, the influential and conciliatory, as well as the deep state that permeates all institutions.

When the influential - tribal or sectarian - and some MPs control the fate of the state, it means chaos. This is due to the fact that institutions become tools of hegemony to achieve the aspirations of those who, over the past two decades, have been able to change the face of society and impose their culture on everyone. Meanwhile, the ministers were subject to fear of parliamentary accountability, the results of which were known in advance, for everything that they imposed on them.

There is a lack of realization of the meaning of national responsibility of an MP who sees himself as a ruler. If the situation continues in this manner, some MPs will not hesitate to issue orders to the ministers for imprisoning people simply because their appearance did not please the de facto power holders.

On one hand, the minister, who believed that he was just an employee and not an official, worked to protect his head from the political gallows by submitting to certain demands. On the other hand, successive governments did not build trust with citizens, but instead worked to silence mouths at times by retrogressive decisions, and at other times ignored the interests of the people, in pursuit of the personal interests of some prime ministers or ministers without any regard for the national interest.

This situation led to doors being closed in front of the people and not allowing their voices to be heard by the officials. Some of them dared to transgress the constants, because the harm is too great to bear.

Also, if the doors of officials were open and they did what the king did when he accepted the advice of a poor Bedouin, most of the country’s problems, if not all, would have been solved.

Here we say - O leadership, open your doors, and listen to your people. Remember the phrase on the door of the Seif Palace “It wouldn’t have been yours if it lasted for someone else.”

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times