Outgoing Dutch PM Rutte named NATO chief

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Netherland’s Prime Minister Mark Rutte smiles as he arrives to discuss security cooperation in Prague, Czech Republic on May 28. (AP)

THE HAGUE, Netherlands, June 26, (AP): Over the course of more than a dozen years at the top of Dutch politics, Mark Rutte got to know a thing or two about finding consensus among fractious coalition partners. Now he will bring the experience of leading four Dutch multiparty governments to the international stage as NATO’s new secretary general.
On Wednesday, NATO ambassadors appointed the outgoing Dutch prime minister as the alliance’s next secretary general, its top civilian post. Rutte is scheduled to head the world’s biggest military organization from October.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that “Mark is a true trans-Atlanticist, a strong leader, and a consensus-builder.” “I wish him every success as we continue to strengthen NATO for the challenges of today and tomorrow. I know I am leaving NATO in good hands,” he said.
Rutte will be congratulated by President Joe Biden and his NATO counterparts at a summit in Washington on July 9-11 focused on support for Ukraine against the Russian invasion, perhaps the alliance’s greatest challenge.
Taking to social media, Rutte described his nomination as “a tremendous honor.”
“The alliance is and will remain the cornerstone of our collective security. Leading this organization is a responsibility I do not take lightly,” he posted on X. He said that he looks “forward to taking up the position with great vigor in October.”
The secretary general chairs meetings and guide sometimes delicate consultations among the 32 NATO member countries to ensure that an organization that operates on consensus can continue to function. The NATO leader also ensures that decisions are put into action and speak on behalf of all members.

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