PACI Official, Egyptian and a Bangladeshi Expats Sentenced to Hard Labor for Civil ID Bribery

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KUWAIT CITY, May 27: The Court of Cassation has confirmed the imprisonment of a citizen, who served as a department head at the Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI), sentencing him to five years of hard labor and fining him 212,000 dinars. Additionally, he has been dismissed from his position. The charges stemmed from him accepting a 20-dinar bribe for issuing each civil card to expatriates, reports Al- Seyassah daily.

Alongside the citizen, two expatriates, one from Egypt and the other from Bangladesh, were also sentenced to three years of hard labor for their involvement in the scheme. The prosecution accused all defendants of bribery and money laundering, leading to their referral to the criminal judiciary. The investigation revealed that over five years, the citizen had amassed 106,000 dinars through illicit transactions facilitated by the two expatriates. These expatriates acted as intermediaries, managing interactions with civil card holders and bypassing legal procedures.

By Jaber Al-Hamoud
Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff and Agencies

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