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Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi Yusuf Awadh Al-Azmi

WHENEVER a Kuwaiti writer says something about Palestine or Palestinians in general, the word must be pregnant with meanings and it should speak volumes, because the speech will circulate rapidly in all private and public channels for review of what has been said, what has not been said, what is known, and what is unknown.

The speech will be full of melancholy, in view of the discussion relaying a series of incidents-written and spoken. Kuwait and Palestine in particular share a unique relationship, because they’ve both passed through situations that involve a cocktail of humanitarian feelings. I may not be wrong if I say Kuwait maintains relationship that is mostly affected by the politics between its citizens and Palestine! It is all about the bastards intruding in the affairs of lovers to sever relationships and destroying the wall of love that stood firm for many years.

Some people claim that Kuwait is the benefactor of Palestine but they forget about Palestine’s kindness to Kuwait, particularly in the area of education. Palestinian teachers pioneered excellent teaching activities in Kuwait and graduated generations of Kuwaitis who stood out at a time when elementary students would write Arabic calligraphy better than a current university student!

Space for the article is too short to accommodate the thoughts I have in mind but I will speak as a person who lived in Kuwait before and after the Iraqi invasion and witnessed the falling standard of education in the country, where teachers no longer take teaching serious as much as they would register high numbers of students for extra murals outside the school premises. I mean Arab teachers have destroyed the country’s educational system to the extent that final year students in the university can no longer write Arabic language accurately!

Every conscientious and fair person cannot complete his statement while discussing the fate of education in Kuwait without commending Palestinian teachers who graduated the best generations of students in Kuwait. Discussing the role Palestinian teachers have played in Kuwait’s education system requires the writing of a book rather than an article. However, I brought it up to remind some critics who write about the important people in an unsavory manner.

Palestinians made countless sacrifice amid the silence of other Arabs and the international community. Now, they are exposed to the objects of murder from Zionists and lay down their lives to defend the ‘number one’ Arab cause. After all these, we are shocked to see a Kuwaiti writer speak of Israel as if she was a friendly nation, and cast blame at the doorstep of our oppressed brothers. Using the word ‘oppressed’ to depict the plight of Palestinians is too light, because they are oppressed time and again in many ways.

Many people have used the justified case to actualize suspicious agendas. Saddam Hussein used the issue to justify the invasion of Kuwait in a ruthless manner and messed the case up in a manner deemed unacceptable, considering the actions of some supporters that sympathized with him upon monetary inducement from Iraq’s Baath Party, which exists no longer, while the foremost Arab issue rages on.

Palestine is an excuse for people who do not have any excuse, because it is a marketable commodity for corrupt politicians within the Arab World who continue to accumulate wealth and occupy positions, whereas the masses drown in poverty and suffer from series of disasters due to their actions.

Palestine remains the foremost Arab issue in the past, present and future. Here are our people in the beautiful country making sacrifices on a daily basis, as martyrs continue to fall in the absence of advanced ammunitions. By Allah, these people are patriotic and courageous.

Palestine remains in the mind of Kuwait and its citizens, and all conscientious people who love peace. It is our foremost issue that unveils the lies of politicians, indolence of the elite, and hypocrisy of satellite channels that continue to shrink by day. In the end, Palestine grows bigger.

In Palestine, we have families that deserve prayer. This is the least of faith instead of noticing an ignorant writer who pours out anger on the pages of newspapers, where he represents himself. I pray that Allah the Almighty protect our people in Palestine and assist them to conquer their enemies and the enemies of humanity.

By Yousef Awadh Al-Azmi