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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, March 16: Kuwaiti Teachers Association Chairman Hamad Al-Houli praised the Cabinet’s decision to cancel the requirement for teachers, as well as students 16 years old and above, who have not been vaccinated, to submit PCR test results showing they are not infected with Corona, reports Al-Anba daily. He affirmed the decision is aligned with the association’s position on such a controversial requirement, which contradicts the previous decision of the Council of Ministers to cancel the negative PCR test result requirement for unvaccinated State employees. He pointed out the recent decision guarantees justice and equality for all State employees. He then reiterated the association’s demand that the Education Ministry should create the appropriate atmosphere for the people in the field, and to provide all the needs of school administrations; especially in addressing the labor shortage issue.

Meanwhile, employees who resigned from government agencies and have re-registered in the central employment system are not given priority in the recruitment process, reports Al-Qabas daily quoting sources from the Civil Service Commission (CSC). Sources disclosed the ranking of job applicants will be published on April 1, indicating there is no change in the criteria for prioritizing applicants.

Sources revealed that priority is given to those with higher qualifications, and then the married or widowed over those who are unmarried; without taking into account whether or the applicant previously worked in the government sector or not. Sources disclosed the nomination of job applicants is done daily, according to the manpower requests of government agencies. ources said the letters of some government agencies about their need for non-Kuwaiti workers are dealt with as per the actual need for such manpower. In case Kuwaitis who are registered in the system have the required specializations, they will be appointed instead of the non-Kuwaitis, sources added.