Philippines team arrives to discuss domestic workers

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KUWAIT CITY, June 22: The head of the Union of Domestic Workers’ Offices, Khaled Al-Dakhnan, revealed to Al-Seyassah that a delegation from the Philippines, led by the Philippine Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labor is in Kuwait and will hold meetings with Kuwaiti officials regarding the domestic worker issue. Al-Dakhnan expressed optimism about the situation concerning Filipino workers, noting signs of progress and a potential breakthrough after a prolonged period of suspended recruitment that directly impacted the labor market. He emphasized that these meetings will finalize the necessary arrangements to resume the recruitment of Filipino domestic workers, which is seen as a positive development for both countries. This initiative reflects ongoing efforts to address labor market dynamics and regulatory frameworks concerning migrant workers, aiming to facilitate mutually beneficial agreements between Kuwait and the Philippines.

By Fares Al-Abdan
Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff and Agencies

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