Power crisis: Schools close early, staff begin summer vacation

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Education Ministry announces early school closures to combat power outages.

KUWAIT CITY, June 20: In response to the recent power outages affecting several areas, the Ministry of Education has decided to suspend work in all schools and initiate summer vacation for its employees starting next Sunday. This move aims to reduce electrical loads across the region.

According to information obtained by Al-Rai, the suspension will apply to all employees except those involved in administering exams for intermediate and secondary school students, as well as those determining levels at the primary stage. This decision marks a shift from the original plan, which intended for courses to continue until early July.

Sources have revealed to Al-Rai that numerous officials in educational districts have instructed primary school principals to allow administrative and educational staff to leave school premises after verifying their attendance via fingerprint scans. Principals are required to prepare and send a letter confirming the attendance of all employees to the district’s supervisory authority. This letter must also confirm that all electricity and water sources in the schools have been shut off.

Meanwhile, other school administrations are awaiting further instructions regarding this matter. This proactive measure by the Ministry of Education is expected to significantly alleviate the electrical load during the ongoing crisis.

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