Probe Launched into Kuwaiti Woman’s Departure Despite Travel Ban

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KUWAIT CITY, April 17: Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and acting Minister of Interior Sheikh Fahad Yusuf Al-Sabah has ordered the formation of an investigation panel to determine the circumstances leading to the departure of a Kuwaiti woman banned from traveling and was arrested by Saudi authorities, reports Al-Rai daily. The security personnel assigned at a Kuwaiti port received a call from officials at a Saudi port inquiring about a female citizen, including her entry and exit records. The Kuwaiti security personnel revealed she was banned from traveling, but the Saudi officials said she was under their custody and that she left Kuwait illegally. It turned out her departure was not recorded, because a Saudi woman helped her and hid her in her car. A security source told the daily that the suspect has been handed over to the Kuwaiti authorities and the necessary legal measures will be taken against her.

By Munif Naif
l-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff and Agencies

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