Qatar honors Kuwait Fire Force for partaking in securing World Cup

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KUWAIT CITY, Dec 20: Qatar’s General Directorate of Civil Defense (GDCD) honored Tuesday support forces that contributed to securing the World Cup, including the Kuwait Fire Force (KFF). In a speech during an honoring ceremony, Brigadier General Hamad Al Dehaimi, GDCD director general, thanked all the participating forces for their efforts led to the success of securing the global championship. He said that the success made by the championship is a success for all, and consolidates the principle of cooperation, and experiences sharing among all participating parties.

Meanwhile, KFF chief Lieutenant Colonel Abdullah Mahmoud stressed that the participation of the force comes as support forces for the sisterly State of Qatar with professional human elements specialized in the areas of search, rescue, and firefighting. He expressed happiness for partaking in securing the World Cup hosted by Qatar, describing the event as one of the most secure, safe and global model of tournaments. The ceremony was attended by some officers, officials and representatives of the honored bodies. (KUNA)

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