WHEN Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte decided to hurl waves of criticism at Kuwait, its government and people for their negligence — as he put it — in terms of dealing with sexual, physical and financial abuses that Filipinas encounter in Kuwait, a Kuwaiti personality representing the real Kuwaitis went on to carry out charitable work in that friendly country without prior planning.This personality elaborated and manifested the essence and nature of Kuwait’s people — not like how the Philippine president portrayed them and generalized using ‘Trump’-like phrases.The charitable work I am talking about was carried out by a delegation from Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) headed by Dr Hilal Al-Sayer and Secretary General of the society Maha Al-Barjas.Kuwait Red Crescent Society went to a village called ‘Tacloban’ which was hit by tropical storms that destroyed houses and displaced its population to the forest.The people of Kuwait, represented by KRCS, gracefully extended their kind helping hands to this devastated population without expecting recognition. They donated the cost for building 297 houses for the distressed.This humanitarian behavior shook the conscience of the chairperson of the Philippine Red Cross and member of the Philippine Senate who invited Dr Hilal Al-Sayer and Maha Al-Barjas, together with other members of the KRCS delegation, to a session of that high-level council.This initiative is enough to respond to the blemishes that President Duterte put on Kuwait and its people, and his allegations concerning mistreatment of female labor force from the Philippines.On behalf of every Kuwaiti, we thank KRCS and everyone who works in the society for highlighting the glowing face of Kuwait and its people, and its manifestation in the level of humanitarian work. We ask the government and helping hands — that are many in Kuwait — to generously donate their charities and Zakat to KRCS.This is due to the fact that KRCS puts money where we have been ordered by Almighty Allah and His Prophet (PBUH), and also by upright people.KRCS gives and nurses injuries and miseries afflicting humans without looking at religion, creed, ethnicity, sect or ideology of any kind.We have seen its helping hands in countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Recently, we saw them in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan, in the camps of refugees — victims of Zionist massacre, civil wars, fundamentalists’ rhetoric like that of al-Qaeda and DAESH, let alone to dictatorship rule in their countries.They are also victims of America, Arab and Zionist’s money which continue to fuel these conflicts and wars.Blessed be the efforts of the children of Kuwait, the likes of those affiliated to KRCS which continues to lift high the honor of every Kuwaiti. May Almighty Allah increase your kind. We appreciate and honor your recent illumination of the sky of the friendly Republic of the Philippines.By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli - Former Minister of Oil