
Thursday, March 06, 2025

Religion for the benefit of all

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Religion for the benefit of all

 IN a recent article by colleague Dr. Khaled Montaser, he mentioned that the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church is currently facing a serious health crisis. He wondered about the reason behind the widespread global concern surrounding this issue. Dr. Montaser explained that the global concern lies in the enlightened positions Pope Francis took, which mark his character.

The Pope has worked to bring the Church closer to contemporary issues, such as advocating for the rights of immigrants and refugees, emphasizing the need to protect their rights, and warning against the rise of hatred and racism toward them. He also implemented several important reforms within the Church. He has taken a strong stance against financial corruption, increased transparency, and, for the first time in history, appointed women to senior positions within the Church. He has shown a strong commitment to environmental preservation, and criticized excessive capitalist consumption and greed.

The Pope advocated for interfaith dialogue and worked to strengthen relations with Muslims and Jews. In 2019, he signed the Human Fraternity Document with Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb of Al-Azhar Mosque in Abu Dhabi, which calls for peaceful coexistence and religious tolerance. He also urged the Church to focus on mercy rather than punishment and to prioritize forgiveness over harsh penalties, even on issues such as divorce and abortion.

Furthermore, the Pope has been vocal in criticizing greed-driven capitalism, and denounced the global economic system for exacerbating the divide between the rich and the poor. He called for a simplification of the clergy’s lifestyle, and urged priests and bishops to embrace modesty and humility and reject extravagance within the Vatican. Dr. Montaser shared a story from April 2018 during the Pope’s visit to his parish in Italy.

A 10-year-old boy named Emmanuel approached the Pope with tearful eyes and asked if his atheist father, who had baptized him and his siblings as Christians, would find a place in Heaven (i.e., Paradise). The Pope responded with deep sympathy, explaining that God has a father’s heart, and that the boy’s father had done good deeds by baptizing him and his siblings. “How could God abandon a good person who raised his children well, and keep him far from Him?” the Pope asked.

This incident attracted huge media attention at the time, as the Pope’s compassionate nature and his humane approach to dealing with various issues. This is the kind of empathy and understanding we desperately need in our societies, where extremism and fanaticism have become dominant forces. We hear nothing from the scholars, especially the occupant of the red chair, but reprimands, intimidation, warnings, and a long list of prohibitions, precautions, and dangers, threatening that anyone who commits such acts will surely find their place in Hell! Of course, the problem is not with the occupant of the red chair or others like him, who are seeking fame, money, and influence.

They are well aware that nothing attracts followers and generates wealth like extremism, spreading hate speech, adopting sectarian attitudes, and filling people’s hearts with fear of Hell’s torment. The problem lies with the media that has provided platforms for them, and with the Ministry of Islamic Affairs that has allowed them to spread their extremist ideology and issue religious opinions. In this special month, we hope for the establishment of a Ministry for Religious Affairs that focuses on religion for the benefit of all, rather than serving the interests of a specific group. We are truly in dire need of following the example of our brothers in Saudi Arabia when it comes to religious reforms. We are truly tired of the growing extremism, and our hearts long for the sound of merciful words and tolerant thinking!

By Ahmad alsarraf
email: [email protected]