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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, Aug 29: The Legal Documentation Department of the Ministry of Justice has a supreme mission to work and preserve what is stated in Islamic law to illuminate the paths of life, reports Al-Anba daily.It applies to the Personal Status Law, which includes the provisions of marriage, divorce, its effects, wills, inheritance and endowments.In order to identify what the administration is doing, the director of the Sharia Legal Department at the Sharia Court, Ali Abdulrahman Al-Husainan responded to readers’ queries about the fatwas of marriage, divorce and personal status.He shed light on some of the questions that the public needs to clarify. He also responded to all matters related to inheritance in detail.RumorIn response to a rumor that the divorce rate in Kuwait has reached almost 50 percent, he said this percentage is calculated according to the number of Kuwaitis divorced in the first year of marriage (856) on the number of Kuwaitis married in 2016 (8,800), which is 9.72 percent and that is the reason the error in the high divorce rate.It is alleged that the number of divorced persons in 2016 on the number of married in the same year with the knowledge that the divorcees in this year have been married more than a year ago and sometimes up to 20 years, and the total number of divorced in these years is 4,386.Al-Husainan responded to a question from a caller who said her sister is going to marry and she travelled abroad for study. Can she do the pre-marriage medical examination while she is abroad?Al-Husainan said the pre-marriage medical examination is obligatory but the results are not. He pointed out that the reason of the pre-marriage test is to decide if there are genetic diseases that might be transferred to the other party or to the children.He added if any such diseases are found, the two parties are free to continue the marriage procedures or to quit them except in the case where the bride is underage so her guardian is not allowed to execute the marriage procedures.He added the medical test is done abroad with the coordination between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health in order to define specific centers where the tests should be done. He added she has to apply for a marriage permit abroad. The application is addressed to the director of Sharia’s Legal Department.