Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli Former Minister of Oil
WE have been intimate with tens of US presidents throughout our lives ... from Eisenhower to Barack Obama ... passing through Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Regan, Carter, George Bush — the father, Clinton and Bush — the son ... but Donald Trump as president is something else.For the first time in history, Americans and Europeans in 670 cities protested against his election as president because his personal conduct before running for president was very bad. He is a person inclined to physical violence. We saw him beating a person in the wrestling ring and shaving his hair. The history of his wife is also full of controversies as indecent and obscene photos of her were published in one of the pornography magazines. So the whole world, including Americans, was shocked when such a personality was elected to lead the most powerful and richest country in the world.Trump did not disappoint the perspective of his opponents — so much of them — in the US and abroad. On his first day in the Oval Office, he issued several controversial executive orders; such as the presidential order to ban citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries to enter the United States of America. The order even included those with dual citizenship in what is regarded as first degree human catastrophic decision which continues to stir turmoil around the world.Trump puts himself in “silly situations” as expressed by Egyptian actor Adel Imam!! Since Trump’s remarks on Twitter about the famous magazine — Vanity Fair, where he said, “The magazine was dead and its editor-in-chief does not have talent;” the tweet was followed by a banner on the magazine’s website in red that read, “The Way Down, Big Trouble And Dead! The Magazine Trump Doesn’t Want You To Read.” In the aftermath of all this, subscriptions of the magazine increased 100 times. The tweet has been viewed by millions of tweeters, and just like that, President Trump has become the most hated president in the United States of America and many countries in the world.He also tweeted criticism against China for “unlawfully” seizing an unmanned US naval probe in international waters in South China Sea. He said, “China steals the United States Navy research drone in international waters — rips it out of water and takes it to China in ‘unpresidented’ [sic] act,” instead of unprecedented. ‘Unpresidented’ quickly became the top trending topic on Twitter.But I was pleased when an American Muslim woman in ‘hijab’ addressed a gathering of people in one of the gardens in Washington. We respect and love the presidency but we do not love and respect this president. We ask God to help the United States of America, her friendly people and the people around the world from the recklessness and rashness of the new American President — Donald Trump.By Ali Ahmed Al-BaghliFormer Minister of Oil