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Where does the truth lie?On Aug 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein’s forces occupied Kuwait only to be expelled after seven dark months. During this period, a majority of the countries of the world stood with Kuwait, while dictators and certain Arab regimes supported Saddam – regimes such as Yemen, Jordan, Libya, Sudan, Mauritania, Algeria, Palestine, Tunisia and Turkey.The position adopted by the World Muslim Brotherhood was shameful. The Supreme Guide asked all his followers to stand by the Iraqi demands. The reluctant attitude of the group in Kuwait was surprising and some of the members participated with their representatives in conferences held in Baghdad and Lahore.Their statements and positions against Kuwait are audio-video documented and their statements are still a testimony of their doings, they bet that the current generation has not lived that era, and the world will forget their shaky position.Among the documents are minutes of a meeting between the Kuwaiti ‘Brothers’ and with the then Kuwaiti Ambassador in Washington Sheikh Saud Al-Nasser who presented themselves as representatives of the World Muslim Brotherhood group.They told him they oppose the Western forces to liberate Kuwait and asked him for $50 million to prepare what they called the ‘Islamic Army’ to liberate Kuwait. Later Sheikh Saud went on to expose them during more than one television interview and press conferences.Senior politicians witnessed their reluctance and some senior members of the group admitted their mistake. Youssef Nada, a noted businessman and Muslim Brotherhood financial strategist appeared in the ‘Witness of One’s Time (Shahid ala al asr) program on Al-Jazeera on Jan 1, 2002 and said their plans to renounce the use of foreign forces to liberate Kuwait and to assign the ‘Islamic Army’ to enter Kuwait with permission from Saddam himself, provided after the withdrawal of the Iraqi forces free elections were held in Kuwait under the supervision of Brotherhood forces, to choose the ruling system.Such shameful positions forced the Kuwaiti Brothers after the liberation of Kuwait to cut ties with the international organization, perhaps the move can be seen as tactical, and forming a new political entity under the name of the Constitutional Movement, so the leaders of the group, especially the juniors , continued to claim their decisions were independent and nothing has to do with the world organization.However, this was not true because of the insistence of some of their peers to respond blatantly to any gesture that included the group while they insisted their Constitutional Movement has nothing to do with the International Muslim Brotherhood.Former minister, Adel Al-Subeeh appeared on the Al-Majlis TV Channel a few days ago to reveal all the mistakes of the Muslim Brotherhood and their General (leader). He said after the liberation he was given the principles of a new organization to be established and he welcomed the idea on the basis that it is a large umbrella covering all the conservative spectrums in the country, as a national political movement.He added the idea was also presented to select political personalities who were enthusiastic about it, but the response about participation did not show the same enthusiasm for the idea.Al-Subeeh concluded by saying that he was outside the country on a business trip. When he returned, it became apparent to him that the leaders of the new Constitutional Movement had decided that the organization would be the political wing of the group in Kuwait and this was contrary to the basis that has been agreed upon, so the movement did not become national, but an umbrella for the group only, and therefore decided to withdraw from it.Adel Al-Subeeh, who is respected by many, issued tons of statements, speeches and articles that are said to have been debated in denying any link between the Kuwaiti Brothers and the global organization. After Al-Subeeh’s statement, they must reveal their faces, stop being hypocrite, and apologize to all those who believed in their lies.e-mail: [email protected]By Ahmad Al-Sarraf