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author name Arab Times

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The bright planet Venus appears in conjunction with the Pleiades star cluster (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

KUWAIT CITY, Oct 24: The Russian Academy of Sciences announced that it is working on projects to explore Venus. Regarding the topic, Dmitry Gorenov, a researcher in the Department of Planetary Physics at the Academy’s Space Institute, said: “The experts at our institute are working with experts from several Russian institutions on new projects to explore the planet Venus, and within the framework of these projects it is planned to launch the (Venera-D) mission to study this planet. 

Gorenov added: “Based on the data related to launch time windows, it seems to us that the (Venera-D) mission can be launched in 2031. The launch window is the time period during which the spacecraft must be launched to fly to a celestial body on a path that is most appropriate for its consumption. Energy, and the window is determined based on the body’s position relative to the Earth.” 

In 2020, the scientific director of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lev Ziliony, stated that Russia is working on new programs to study the planet Venus, within the framework of which it will send 3 scientific vehicles to study this planet, and the first vehicle will be sent within the framework of the (Venera-D) mission.