KUWAIT CITY, Aug 20: The Public Authority of Manpower (PAM) declared on Sunday it is seeking to establish a shelter for male expatriates who have legal issues with employers. The PAM shelter currently houses female expatriates in response to personal request, or a request by embassies or any of the relevant authorities, said Dr. Fahad Al-Murad, the acting deputy director general for expatriate workers protection, who affirmed on the occasion of the World Humanitarian World that these women enjoy legal, social and health care.
The center, he has added, is seeking to establish an identical section to receive male expatriates of similar conditions and issues. The center, since its establishment in 2014, has hosted more than 13,000 female workers. This year, it has received 960 women laborers, in addition to eight children accompanied by their mothers. Most of them have returned home and only 35 of them have remained at the center. Meanwhile, the Khaled Al-Ajmi, Board Chairman of the Kuwaiti Human Rights Society, said in remarks to KUNA said that the society had inked an accord with the center to educate those expatriates about their rights and duties according to the Kuwaiti laws. The association, he added, distributed this year leaflets and booklets in seven languages as part of the efforts to help them.