Short Eid Al-Adha Holiday Triggers Travel Cancellations

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KUWAIT CITY, Jun 12: Travel agencies in the country disclosed that many travelers canceled their reservations before Eid Al-Adha due to the short duration of the holiday; especially since many made reservations early because they expected that the holiday would extend to a full week. General Manager of Salhiya World Tourism and Travel Company Ayman Zandah said the demand for travel during the Eid holiday is above average.

He affirmed that ticket prices did not increase by more than 20 percent compared to normal days due to several factors like the short Eid holiday and the preference of many to postpone the travel date until the summer vacation period, which extends for three continuous months. Zandah explained many travelers canceled their reservations after the Council of Ministers announced the dates of Eid Al-Adha holiday. He stressed that ticket prices are affordable for everyone, as the price of a round-trip ticket to London during the Eid holiday ranges from KD240 to KD400; while the price of a ticket to Istanbul is around KD210 and KD200 to Cairo and Lebanon.

By Mohammad Al-Musleh Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff

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