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EGYPT’S accomplishment in the last seven years under the leadership of Abdul-Fattah el-Sisi is astonishing. Those who have been following up the events transpiring in Cairo after January 25, 2011 when the Muslim Brotherhood Group usurped the power, as well as the deteriorating living conditions, and the economy and security instability would have imagined that Egypt entered the club of failed states.

There is no doubt that this left negative effects on the Arab world, considering the influence of this great state in its strategic environment.

Clearly, the internal situation during that period was unstable. Egypt’s pound value had depreciated against  foreign currencies, the national product had declined, and the security situation continued to deteriorate, especially after the drama related to the election of the late Mohamed Morsi and the rule of the Brotherhood’s Guidance Office.

At that time, attention turned to the army to continue protecting the national and popular gains, as it was three years ago.

After President Morsi was overthrown, Egypt laid out a roadmap for restoring state institutions through free democratic elections. At that time, Abdul-Fattah el-Sisi did not intend to participate. Instead, to everyone who asked him about his candidacy, he used to say, “I am afraid that my capabilities will not be the same as the aspirations of Egyptians’’.

However, the candidacy was imposed on him following the massive public support campaign in 2014.

The man carried the trust with dread and responsibility, as he was facing a dire security and economic situation and large foreign debts. His first concern was to work on salvaging Egypt from itself. The wheel of work thus began to turn, and within seven years, he was able to construct 14 new residential cities, the largest power plants and solar fields, and four new airports, as well as one and a half million acres of land reclamation, providing the army with the latest weapons, launching a new satellite, and eliminating waiting lists in all Egyptian hospitals.

He managed to raise the foreign exchange reserves to USD 45 billion, paid four billion of oil companies’ debts, seven billion to Qatar and two billion to Turkey, established fish farms, developed a global road network, and built a new Suez Canal.

El-Sisi also managed to eliminate slums, establish new industrial cities, develop railways and central Cairo, rehabilitate archeological sites, build a nuclear power plant, the largest cement factory, and four thousand factories, ensure sufficiency in natural gas, construct more than 12 desalination plants, and create a complete new administrative capital on an area of 714 square kilometers, equivalent to the size of Singapore and four times the size of the American capital Washington, as well as develop thousands of villages throughout the country.

This is some of what President Abdul-Fattah el-Sisi accomplished in those few years because he relied on God first, and then on the efforts of the Egyptians. Above all, he trusted the ability to work. Officials who devote themselves to serving their country are not afraid of any situation. They seek to achieve yesterday before today, and they were able to return to Egypt its vital role in the region and Africa.

With the zeal with which President Sisi worked, countries can be built, developed and progressed. However, when the official does not see, hear or speak, the state retreats and lags behind. A successful man applies to himself the popular Arab proverb - “Eloquent rooster crows from the egg”.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times