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DECISIVENESS has become a necessity after the country was admitted in the intensive care unit due to the absence of the legislative and executive authorities – the first against a malicious background to achieve goals completely far from the national interest, and the second because of the resignation from its role since the beginning of the current legislative term.

Therefore, we are wondering how long the country will continue to suffer under the burden of this vacuum, which has begun to eat away at the living flesh of the nation as a whole.

What Kuwait suffers from is a natural result of executive failure; hence, a decision must be made.

The resignation of the government does not mean indifference towards the failure to quench the thirst of the people who no longer know whom to turn to resolve their governmental affairs, in light of the aggravation of problems that could have been resolved long ago but were neglected - some intentionally and others unintentionally.

There are many talks and rumors, which have become the daily bread of diwaniyas, that the Deep State is causing all this confusion, as if there are more than one country in Kuwait.

In reality, these rumors represent a rich substance for those fishing in murky waters in the absence of a clear and announced plan. They carry satisfactory answers to what is being demanded by the people. Amid this governmental and legislative weakness, which increases fear in the souls about the future, all these represent an unhealthy combination that describes the current situation.

What confirms weakness and provides justifications for everyone who seeks to take advantage of this vacuum is the formation of four governments within three years, and the replacement or rotation of about 60 ministers, which further weakened the decision. This means that the issues that have been pending for years will not find the way to a solution, and will remain posing a security, social and economic threat to the country, the most important of which is the humanitarian issue related to the Bedoun residents. This issue has become like a snowball that grows daily, threatening a significant social segment.

As for the housing issue, we must speak without mincing our words. Problems in the education, health, and infrastructure sectors seem insoluble, as well as the state’s failure to pay its dues to the companies that implemented development projects, and the confiscation of funds, which exacerbated the economic downturn.

It is true that the Prime Minister and his government resigned, but that does not absolve them from working to accomplish much of what has piled up in the past months due to stubbornness and maliciousness.

There is a suggestion concerning the need for the government to attend the National Assembly sessions until the resignation is finalized. This confusion was reinforced by the silence about its fate.

In order to resolve all this, an official must reassure the people, dispel the rumors that are prevalent in the country, and work with the principle “The sooner the better”, as we are fed up with the notion that all will be dealt with tomorrow, that is, if tomorrow comes.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times