‘Spread culture of peace’

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Speaker condemns Pakistan mosque attack

KUWAIT CITY, March 5: National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim has emphasized the importance of adopting peace as a strategic aim rather than a tactic resulting from helplessness or just to gain more time. Al-Ghanim made the statement during the Second World Forum for the Culture of Peace held in Malta on March 3-4, 2022 with the theme, ‘Leadership for Just Peace’. Abdulaziz Al-Babtain Culture Foundation organized the forum in which Al-Ghanim delivered a speech.

Al-Ghanim highlighted the role of parliaments in enhancing social peace and civil stability regardless of personal interests. He expressed his gratitude to Abdulaziz Al-Babtain Culture Foundation for the efforts in strengthening and spreading the culture of peace among nations and ethnicities. He also thanked President of Malta George Vella for hosting the forum which reflects the keenness of Malta, its leaders and people in intensifying peace efforts, establishing bridges and filling the gaps among nations. He said Malta, along with its history, depicts the image of an entity embracing cultural differences as it serves as a meeting point for various cultures including that of the Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Phoenicians and others. He pointed out that maintaining peace requires a culture for enhancing it; considering war feeds on the contrary culture — racism, sectarianism and discrimination which are considered the raw materials for wars and disputes.

He stressed that the role of parliaments should focus on the enlightening approach to combat the illegal aspirations of opportunist and influential people who are aiming for imperial and expansion strategies. He is sad because after 16 years of parliamentary experience, he made a conclusion that most legislative figures focus on winning elections and very few are serving the interests of the next generation. He disclosed that enhancing peace requires wisdom, rationalism, maturity and the ability to review alternatives. He added spreading the culture of peace necessitates compromise rather than doubts or suspicions. He believes the biggest challenge for parliamentary figures around the world is the tendency to focus on achieving wisdom rather than addressing passions and disputes. He said history tells us there are no winners in wars, as all disputes lead to devastation sooner or later. On the sidelines of the forum, Al-Ghanim met with President of Malta George Vella.

He conveyed the messages of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mesha’al Al- Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- Sabah who wished for further progress and prosperity for the leaders and people of Malta. Meanwhile, President Vella expressed appreciation for His Highness the Amir and His Highness the Crown Prince; affirming his commitment to strengthen relations betweeen the two friendly countries. Kuwaiti Ambassador to Malta Faisal Ghazi Al-Mutairi attended the meeting. In another development, Al-Ghanim sent cables to Pakistani National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser and Senate President Muhammad Sadiq to express condolences for the victims of the explosion in a Pakistani mosque. He condemned the terrorist attack on a mosque in Peshawer in Northwest Pakistan. In addition, MP Ahmad Al-Hamad has proposed allocating land in every governorate for the establishment of industrial units (100 in every governorate measuring 200 square meters each). By Saeed Mahmoud Saleh Arab Times Staff

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