stc holds Blood Donation Drive for stc family in collaboration with Kuwait Central Blood Bank in line with the World Blood Donor Day

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Kuwait City, June 10: Kuwait Telecommunications Company – stc, a world-class digital leader providing innovative services and platforms to customers, enabling the digital transformation in Kuwait, held its annual blood donation drive for the stc family in line with the World Blood Donor Day, a worldwide initiative that falls on June 14th of every year focusing on donating blood for a good cause. The initiative was organized especially for stc employees in collaboration with the Kuwait Central Blood Bank and aimed to spread awareness on the significant benefits of donating blood.

stc’s blood donation drive aligns with its extensive corporate social responsibility framework, that focuses on the primary areas of health, education, preserving environment, youth empowerment and community. In addition to donating blood, the campaign focused on familiarizing employees with the importance of this kind act, as well as the positive impacts and benefits associated with the selfless action. The internal event witnessed a high level of participation from employees who were eager to contribute to support those who are in need of blood in the community.

Danah AlJasem, General Manager of Corporate Communications at stc, said, “Our annual blood donation drive, which also coincides with the World Blood Donor Day, reflects our ongoing support towards promoting community health and well-being. In collaboration with the Kuwait Central Blood Bank, this initiative aims to emphasize the importance of donating blood to those in medical need, while also highlighting the health benefits of donating blood. We are proud to have witnessed a large number of our employees participate in this blood donation drive, demonstrating their commitment to making a positive impact in the community.”

AlJasem added, “As a pioneer in the market, stc leads by example, setting a standard for its social responsibility in the community and amongst its employees. Organizing initiatives that spread awareness on health-related causes help inform individuals on the social impact of coming together to support various members of the community in diverse ways. Donating blood on a regular basis can help support the local healthcare system and serve as a lifeline for patients that require immediate blood transfusions. The annual blood drive as well as other healthcare initiatives launched by stc fall under the Company’s extensive CSR framework within the healthcare pillar, one of the key pillars defined under the Company’s strategy.”

AlJasem concluded by thanking the Kuwait Central Blood Bank for their continuous support and collaboration throughout stc’s annual blood donation drives. AlJasem also thanked all stc employees that participated in the initiative, including the executive management, which led to the successful turnout. She also mentioned that stc will continue to expand its CSR initiatives that focus on supporting the healthcare sector in Kuwait, as well as the  key pillars defined under the Company’s CSR framework.

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