stc hosts gathering for entrepreneurs under ‘weyak’ initiative

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Kuwait City, June 29: Kuwait Telecommunications Company – stc, a world-class digital leader providing innovative services and platforms to customers, enabling the digital transformation in Kuwait, held a special gathering for entrepreneurs and SMEs as part of its ‘weyak’ initiative. This event builds on the various activities launched by stc, strategically focusing on empowering the private sector and nurturing SMEs to drive positive economic growth and societal advancement.

The gathering was held at Joe’s Restaurant owned by the entrepreneur Abdulaziz Al-Nahes, bringing together over 70 entrepreneurs from diverse sectors in the presence of stc Kuwait CEO, Eng. Muataz Abdullah Aldharrab. The event provided a unique opportunity for networking and collaboration among some of the most influential figures in the business community, including Dr. Saad Al Barrak – former Minister of Oil, Dakhil Al Dakhil – CEO of Rasameel,  Dr. Mohammad Al Sayegh – Aseer Time Group Owner, and Bader Aloqaili – CEO of Pick.

The highlight of the evening was a heartfelt speech by engineer Muataz Aldharrab, CEO of stc, who expressed profound gratitude to all attendees for their active participation. Aldharrab emphasized the critical role of the private sector and entrepreneurs in driving societal development and economic progress. He also highlighted stc’s ongoing support towards the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Kuwait through various initiatives and activities. He also highlighted that through the ‘weyak’ Initiative, stc aims to cultivate a thriving environment where local businesses can flourish and contribute significantly to the nation’s growth.

The event comes as part of stc’s broader strategy to support entrepreneurs under the ‘weyak’ umbrella. The initiative was designed to provide robust support to the entrepreneurial sector, with a particular focus on SMEs, ensuring that they are able to obtain the resources and opportunities needed to succeed in a competitive market. By inviting renowned entrepreneurs to speak about their personal and professional experiences, attendees would get a chance to listen to some of the challenges and advice from these experienced professionals that could assist them in successful launching and growing their own personal ventures.

In appreciation of the participants and attendees, stc extended its heartfelt appreciation for the level of enthusiasm and engagement witnessed during the gathering. The Company highlighted that it is dedicated to strengthening relationships across various sectors and appreciates the invaluable contributions of the local entrepreneurial community. As part of the ‘weyak’ initiative, and other programs launched to support entrepreneurs and SMEs, stc will continue to organize and introduce platforms that can assist inspired individuals to pursue their dreams and unique opportunities.

As part of its ongoing efforts, stc also reaffirmed its full support for digital transformation initiatives and projects that will assist SMEs in efficiently managing their operations. Additionally, stc highlighted the different digital services and solutions the Company offers, specially catering to SMEs to assist them in streamlining their operations to optimize their business operations. These initiatives, as well as others, reflect the Company’s dedication to fostering innovation and providing a unique and unparalleled experience for all its customers.

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