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More than a year ago, the Public Authority for Manpower issued a decision to terminate the services of every resident who has reached the age of sixty and don’t hold the university degree or unless he/she is a business partner with a specified capital.

The decision came into force on January 1, 2021, and is still awaiting implementation, despite the fact that it was issued by the highest authority concerned with the workforce in the country, as it is still, for 250 days, between tension and tide and ebb and flow, without application or implementation, or even regression about it entirely.

Under pressure from certain parties such as the Chamber of Commerce, the majority of the members of the PAM Board of Directors agreed nearly two months ago to amend the decision.

Although this amendment of the original decision was taken by the highest authority, with a majority vote of the PAM Board of Directors and the blessing of the Supreme Consultative Committee, it is still not implemented and is awaiting approval of the Minister of Commerce, in his capacity as Chairman of the PAM Board of Directors, and for 60 days the decision is in the drawer of his office and is delayed and postponed, and he refuses to sign it definitively so that it becomes applicable.

He also refuses, as I was told, to explain the reason for his refusal to sign the decision or even object to it or request its cancellation or amendment, knowing that the fate of tens of thousands of residents depends on his signature, which is long overdue, not to mention disrupting the interests of many parties that many of these residents work for.

Pending the issuance of the final decision, the Ministry of Interior is compelled to renew the residencies of these residents temporarily on a monthly basis until it receives a final decision on what to do.

This is an abnormal and strange situation and should not continue especially if we know a decision was made by the minister himself to remove plastic statues from one of the malls and it was implemented in just minutes.

We, as well as  thousands wonder how if it is possible to think of transforming Kuwait into a comfortable area for the work of the citizen, resident, foreign investor and visitor if the State’s Minister of Commerce keeps in his office drawer, for sixty days, a decision related to the interests of tens of thousands of individuals and commercial interests without giving a reason and but does not hesitate to meet the demands of a religious body within minutes on a topic that almost no one cares about?

Is the behavior of the Minister of Commerce reasonable? And where are the promises of His Highness the Prime Minister to develop government administration and facilitate the affairs of citizens and residents?

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf