Teaching Arabic language

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A woman said in a television interview that if the issue of teaching came back to her, she would completely stop teaching grammar and linguistics in schools because it is not necessary, what is necessary is to involve students in reading Arabic language, culture, knowledge and thought, and not teach them difficult subjects such as grammar and linguistics because they will come in the context of reading, and perhaps they will learn it by heart.

The woman says that no one other than the Arabic language teachers or the clergy and a small group of others need in their professional field to know conjugation and declension as these are matters that have nothing to do with the course of daily life.

Those who write articles and news reports, readers of newspapers and books, engineers, pilots, doctors and pharmacists can live their entire life with the Arabic language, reading, communicating and writing, without the need to navigate the grammar.

The woman added that teaching the Arabic language is an important requirement but the path that all public and private schools have followed over many decades to teach was never correct but rather a failure.

No one cares today about how a word is pronounced, and no one in life will ask us how a sentence is constructed or the meaning of the noun and subject.

In this context, a friend says that he has believed for years that educational institutions should follow two different paths in teaching Arabic.

The first is simplified with clear rules, and is available to the public, even to non-Arabic speakers, and this, he believes, includes perhaps 80-90% of school students.

As for the second approach, which is complete in the Arabic language, and is more complex than the first includes everything small and large in the language, it is intended only for those wishing to specialize in its study, and perhaps for researchers in and the like, including Sharia students and language teachers.

I personally think that I am a good example of what this woman means. I wrote an article daily, for nearly three decades in addition to the researches, literary texts and novels I wrote as well as drafting and sending thousands of letters to various government and private agencies over more than half a century, and I believe all of them were clear based on the comments and responses I received and they were very understandable to those who received them.

I do not remember that I studied grammar at any level of study, and my ability to write, so to speak, derives from my intensive reading and not from my study of grammar and morphology, in which I always got a zero, and my other skills were in dictation, reading and comprehension passages were behind high marks in the Arabic language and success in language tests and not on grammar.

The subject is clear to many, anyone has the courage to correct the path?

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf

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