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IT IS certain that the Mullah regime is dominated by folly as it does not learn from past experiences. The regime continues to follow the same path — preoccupying its people away from their internal miseries by fabricating external crises.The regime fascinates its people with its regional expansionist scheme at the expense of their livelihood and the difficult economic situation which the country has been suffering from for the past 39 years.Despite all that, its leaders talk rhetorically which shows how detached they are from reality or it could be an attempt to exonerate themselves of the crimes they are committing.This applies to the statement of Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif who said, “Iran will be the first country to stand beside Saudi Arabia in case of foreign aggression on the latter.”Before all that, he should have first identified the foreign enemy of the kingdom which has good relations with other countries, given that nothing threatens the kingdom’s security apart from the terrorist cells planted by Iran, just like what it does in other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and the Arab world.Therefore, the best contribution that Iran can make in ensuring peace and security in the region is to stop its terrorist operations. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is able to defend its security and that of other GCC countries without Iran which must first remove itself from international sanctions imposed on it due to its leading role in global terrorism.We see history repeating itself in Zarif’s statement. The arrogant tone that the Mullah regime is currently using is the same as the one used by officials of the Shah regime in its final years. This tone went on to provoke the ire of the administration of the United States of America, together with that of Western countries in general, prompting these countries to start searching for the replacement of Shah Muhammad Reza Pahlavi.This is in addition to preventing Washington from repeating the mistake it committed during the Iranian revolution when it saw Ayatollah Khomeini as a reasonable replacement for the Shah who decided to take the path of the communist Soviets at the height of the Cold War.During that period, Khomeini sought for asylum after he was expelled from Iraq. In the end, the US and French intelligence agencies picked him up and supported him in spreading his speeches through what was known as the ‘cassette revolution’.The ‘Bazar’ at the time was a stumbling block to Shah’s plans, especially the ’30-year development plan’ through which Shah Pahlavi wanted to make his country a major regional industrial center within a time span of 30 years.However, the Shah wanted to implement this generation plan at the expense of privileges enjoyed by ‘Bazar’ traders and this pushed them to support Khomeini under the assumption that through financial strength, they can control him and impose their conditions on him.Immediately after returning to Iran, the new turbaned shah shattered the dreams of the ‘Bazar’ by announcing the ‘exportation of revolution’ scheme and raising the slogans, ‘Jerusalem liberation’ and ‘Sects injustices.’These were done by instigating sectarian and religious seditions in foreign countries, in addition to dictatorship and execution, let alone putting religious leaders in control of the country and preoccupying citizens with the Iran-Iraq war which lasted for eight years.Indeed, Iran witnessed in the past four decades a series of uprisings related to conflict over seats among the regime’s leaders. In other words, these uprisings did not reach the point which poses a threat to the regime.These uprisings include even the one which was known as the ‘green revolution.’ It was not seen as the spark which ignites revolution against the regime, but the current uprising that started in December last year can be described as the actual start of the revolution to end the Mullah regime.This uprising is conceptually similar to the revolution which toppled Shah Pahlavi’s regime, whether in terms of poverty and widespread corruption in State establishments or rage against the ruling class and problems being suffered by the country regionally and internationally.The revolution that toppled the Shah actually started in 1977. It continued to gain momentum until it reached the peak in 1979. It culminated with the escape of the Shah and return of Khomeini who was politically modified in US and French intelligence labs.A country living under tough conditions with a regime on the brink of collapse should begin rescuing itself before its foreign minister starts to rant about heroism that his country does not possess.Nonetheless, he should be reassured that Saudi and the remaining GCC countries are in a better, stronger and more stable position. They are not in need of the regime being devoured by corruption as it gasps its last breath.By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times