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THE leaders of Tehran are under the illusion that the multiple stances that it shrouds itself with every day and through the media would plunge the international community into fear. In reality, this represents nothing but the gibberish tongue that this regime has been blessed with.

This regime has transcended all limits of crimes against humanity – both internally and externally – and practices the most extreme forms of oppression and abuses against its citizens. It has taken up terrorism and aggression as its motto to impose itself on the world.

To be frank, the more this regime gets entangled in crises, the more confused it becomes, let alone getting closer to its fall, especially at a time when the official government spokesperson Ali Rabiei urges the American administration to return to the nuclear agreement for his country without preconditions, and not to put obstacles in the diplomatic path.

According to the diplomatic custom, the phrase “without preconditions” means to set preconditions.

While on one hand Rouhani and Zarif talk about dialogue and cooperation between Iran and the neighboring countries, the Revolutionary Guard on the other hand continues to practice aggression against the Gulf states. Even though Ali Khamenei is forbidden to possess nuclear weapons, he publishes a tweet that bears an affirmation of his country’s endeavor to possess this type of weapon.

According to his tweet, if the Islamic Republic of Iran decides to get access to a nuclear weapon, neither he (here he means the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu) nor anyone greater than him can prevent them from doing so.

Over the last four decades, Iran has proven its arrogance and unwillingness to leave open any channels of dialogue with the international community. This has rendered it isolated. Even the countries that still maintain relations with it exercise cautious diplomacy because it is well aware that the Mullahs would murder and then attend the funeral of its victim.

There is ample evidence in this regard, such as its aggression against Kuwait, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, France, and most recently Belgium, where it planted terrorists in the capacity of diplomats seeking to commit criminal acts against Iranian dissidents.

Because of such hostile demenour, the international community cannot trust those who consider wars, murder and terrorism as the only means to be universally accepted.

Iran is missing out the fact that those who practiced all these deplorable acts went to the dustbin of history. Starting with Nero and not ending with Saddam Hussein, and before him Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, and others who destroyed their countries and put their people in miseries. Indeed, there are other countries that have gone to disintegration, such as the Soviet Union.

All the reports issued by the observers of the International Atomic Energy Agency have proven that Tehran continues to increase the level of uranium enrichment to levels much higher than what was approved in the nuclear agreement. In this regard, President Trump’s decision was very wise to withdraw from the agreement because it is more like the Munich Treaty of 1938, which gave Hitler the opportunity to prepare for the start of World War II.

There is no doubt that the crisis into which the Mullahs regime has dragged its people will sooner rather than later lead to the disintegration of this great nation, which has been plagued by a group of people with a peculiar mindset, and are still living in the darkness of the Middle Ages and trying to impose their backwardness on the world.

Iran will not escape from the tunnel of its crises except through a single solution, which is implementing a system based on freedom without turbans and beards that rule over its people falsely in the name of religion. Until that time, the 80 million Iranians have to endure this cruel experience ... But for how long?

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times