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9749 times read

Ahmed Al-Jarallah – Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times
BRINGING an end to the displacement of Syrians is inevitable. All Syrians need to understand this reality, especially after the President of the United States of America Donald Trump took the decision to ban refugees and citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the USA.This ban was followed by populistic campaigns which have infested the European Union, urging it to bring an end to the refugee influx, especially Syrians. It also led to increase in the popularity of far-right political movements in several European countries to reach to power after the latter adopted hatred and racist speeches as their tool.To add to this, majority of the Arab countries have not and will not grant entry visas to Syrians. Even the countries that hosted Syrian refugees did not do so out of mercy for them but due to the reality of situation which did not present any other alternative.Following Trump’s decision, the call of the Syrian regime was clear. It called for the return of the displaced citizens and refugees to their country, assuring to secure all means of livelihood and security for them.This is a real test for the regime; not only for its intentions but also for the implementation of the resolutions and laws that it had endorsed previously in terms of reinstating Syrian unity and ensuring they can live in their country instead of either dying in the sea or living in tents in neighboring countries where they are not provided with the basic necessities of life.Syrians should realize that the “European desire”, which is justified by escaping the atrocities of war, will not continue forever, especially under the current economic and livelihood crises that have swept through the refuge countries.Those who hoped for a noble life and luxury houses and castles in those countries of refuge found themselves living in tents on seashores or sleeping in jungles where they endured the bitterness of their desire and realized the fact that a temporary tent in Syria is much better than a castle outside Syria.Undoubtedly, emigration has become the aftereffect of the war which has continued for six years and which the warlords are working to extend in order to continue gaining from it, at least financially.The citizen is the only victim here because his migration from his land opens the way for someone else to occupy it, either by the occupying Iranian forces and their militias especially after the widespread news of Iranians’ naturalization in Syria, or by foreign armed fighters or through annexation of areas in Syria to neighboring countries as was seen in the past.Today after a series of long conferences and meetings in several world capitals, the picture concerning those benefiting from this absurd horrific war internationally and regionally is clearer.There seems to be an intentional delay in signing a peace treaty between the children of the same nation, until every benefiting party realizes the gains it will reap from it.This grim destiny was not far from the mind when the calls for the return of displaced and migrant citizens were made. In fact, the objective behind such a call is to prevent the catastrophe which made the refugee crisis alike a ball being tossed around by countries.If Syrians had to listen to agitators who drove them into this war six years ago, today they have to put an end to their sufferings by returning to their land.Syria is not for Bashar Al-Assad or Al-Nusra or DAESH or Al-Qaeda or Hezbollah or any other militias. Syria is for Syrians and all of their forces, despite their murder spree. It is only the people of Syria who can impose their will on everyone, provided they stand together fearlessly and shut their ears to the voices of aggravators who only want to prolong the suffering of Syrians in order to continue gaining.It is only the Syrians who can stop it all by returning to their country.By Ahmed Al-JarallahEditor-in-Chief, the Arab Times