
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Thanks King of Jordan, you told Trump what we want

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Thanks King of Jordan, you told Trump what we want

WITH clear-cut words and sophisticated diplomatic language, King Abdullah II of Jordan dotted the i’s and crossed the t’s during his meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump. King Abdullah II affirmed that Palestinians would not be displaced from their homeland and that the Arab position would be unified at the upcoming Arab League summit. A man who is deeply familiar with Western culture and the inner workings of major global powers, King Abdullah understands that clear and direct diplomacy is far more effective in challenging situations than the slogans often used by Arabs during festivals or for political purposes. Also, King Abdullah II, who is most concerned with the Palestinian issue, realizes the extent of the costs of any misplaced step.

Jordan knows what Palestinian displacement means, whether in 1948, 1967, or the crises that followed, which Jordan continues to suffer from to this day. The night before last was no ordinary one in Washington for the Jordanian king, especially since President Trump tried to market his plan in his presence. That’s why King Abdullah II spoke plainly: the Arab position is unified, and everyone’s priority is to reconstruct Gaza without displacing its people. In that public discussion before the American media, the king’s tone was clear, despite the populist rhetoric that U.S. President Donald Trump has used since winning his second term. King Abdullah II addressed the West, specifically the Americans, in a language they understood. He knows very well how to differentiate between poison and honey, which they mix together to achieve their goals. His royal language was straight to the point, supported by logic and evidence, with rational statements that appealed to open minds.

The Kuwaiti proverb applies to this position - “Simplicity is the best.” It is true that the American president currently sees himself as the emperor of the world, believing he has enough power to destroy and rebuild the planet. However, the reality is completely different. Bullying countries is not a business deal that a real estate developer would settle with contractors, nor is it something that can be promoted with a language similar to the commercial advertisements that TV presenters are accustomed to.

The world witnessed this highly cultured Arab king address the president of the largest country in his mother tongue, in such a difficult time, and in a public session, despite the latter’s attempt to push his agenda, part of which was related to Jordan, with full confidence that his dreams would come true. However, the response came firmly: “If you want to reconstruct Gaza and help its people, then go ahead, and we thank you for that. And if you want to bring peace to the Middle East, you are welcome, because we want it, but it must be according to United Nations resolutions, with a two-state solution where the people of Israel and Palestine live side by side in peace. Perhaps their relationship could even be excellent.” Therefore, King Abdullah II deserves all gratitude for clarifying the picture to President Trump so that the latter does not remain in his rush. In the end, only what is right is right.

Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times