There is no room for courtesies in judicial rulings that may lead to imbalance, which is one of the gravest sins before God Almighty. Because His Highness the Amir bears the burdens of the state, he is guided by his conscience to ensure that rulings issued in his name are free from any flaws. Therefore, he emphasized, “Issuing conflicting and contradictory rulings raises doubt and suspicion.” This undermines the pursuit of justice, which is the foundation of state stability. In many countries, judges are given a blank check, allowing them to specify the amount they require, to avoid any suspicion of bribery or undue infl uence from parties seeking their judgment. Justice is the foundation of governance, as His Highness’s words about the most important institution in the country clearly indicate. His statement rings true: “The executive and judicial authorities are the two wings of government in the country.” To ensure that accountability for officials and lawbreakers remains indivisible, there is a fine line between right and wrong. His Highness the Amir emphasized that this line is clear and crucial for maintaining justice. To avoid any suspicion of bias within the judiciary, His Highness was clear in highlighting the core issue and stirring up stagnant waters in various state institutions, not just the judiciary. His Highness the Amir spoke frankly about a fundamental pillar of the state, guided by his conscience as the head of all authorities. These are the finest practices that reflect the essence of a ruler who can accurately distinguish between right and wrong, a quality that very few are capable of embodying.
This confirms what we previously stated about the head of state’s oversight of all public institutions, especially the judiciary. Such oversight is practiced in only a small number of countries. In those countries, achieving justice, no matter how difficult, forms the foundation of their civilization and humanity. This explains His Highness’s statement in one of his speeches: “We will not allow democracy to destroy the state.” The experiences of some Arab countries in this regard are clear. Everyone sees and hears what happens in their courts and how this has led to their ruin, or at least to endless crises. Our Amir... the Amir of Justice, Your Highness’s words are a judicial constitution. May God bless you and support you in this great responsibility. The poet Abu al-Tayyib al-Mutanabbi was right when he said: “If souls are great, bodies will tire in achieving their goals.” The struggle of the soul is great. May God support you.