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The Interior Ministry announced the referral of residents and citizens to investigation authorities, on charges of planning to carry out acts of sabotage, terrorism, and murder.

The matter is with the concerned authorities, and I do not care much about the outcome of the investigation, as the matter was not a surprise to everyone who repeated his warning to those concerned, on dozens of occasions and through articles, of the danger of the decline of society, and the state in turn, towards religious extremism and the continued move away from the civil state, which we have known for a long time. Our awareness of life!

The intellectual and sectarian thought, the Salafist and the Brotherhood, and by extension the Shiite, is taking root every day, gaining more space in the minds of the youth, and spewing its terrorist, sectarian and racist poisons in various religious gatherings, without caring about the challenges the nation faces, internal and external, and the problems it suffers from beyond the power of any person.

A government against it, especially if it is obsessed with the theory that security can only be achieved through isolation and the use of pistols and machine guns, not through thought, and by eliminating the sources of terrorism, closing its schools, and drying up its sources. This is a more important and difficult task than using oppression and security force.

For nearly seventy years, charity organizations affiliated with religious parties with foreign allegiances have been depleting the state’s resources and diverting them abroad, so that whoever comes next to spread their destruction among us, and at our expense, can benefit from them.

For half a century, the Ministry of Awqaf has been increasing in strength and influence, and its ability to intervene in the culture of society and in what we should read and listen to, and in the school curricula, private rather than public, and in determining what art means and what literature we should read, and in the quality of educational curricula, and in prohibiting the teaching of philosophy, logic, and critical thinking and as its size increases, its budgets grow, and its problems and violations increase, but there is no party capable of restraining it.

A body affiliated with it has not succeeded in printing a single copy of the Qur’an for 13 years, and yet four prime ministers hesitated to accept the recommendation to reintegrate it into the ministry.

Various parties also compete in holding memorization competitions, and there is nothing wrong with that, but many parties exploit these occasions to sabotage young minds and recruit young people to be their followers in the future. There are also at least ten associations established to memorize the Qur’an, most of which receive large donations, and are attended by thousands of young people. No one knows what ideas are being taught to those who join them.

Several influential parties also complained when a former Minister of Awqaf tried to stop absenteeism in Qur’an memorization centers, which number approximately two hundred, and force thousands of their workers to work full-time, instead of working for an hour or two, or even not showing up. But the minister’s decision to be firm relaxed after a few hours, and laxity returned to its previous state, and this is further evidence of the strength of the centers of extremism and backwardness.

We also find that all state decisions related to employment include exceptions, for the lion’s share of the category of imams and muezzins, to whom memorizers of the Qur’an have recently been added!!

The human need for religion is an important need, and it will not stop, but if this need is not monitored from misuse, it will, over time, pose a danger to society.

We have fallen far behind our surroundings, which advanced after rejecting extremism and welcoming openness, and there is no way for us to advance other than liberalism, in politics and study, so where is anyone who understands these matters, when the new ministry is bombarded with so many beneficiaries of everything we have criticized in this article?

Note: The security services know the names of dozens of extremists, including preachers, university “professors,” Sharia teachers, former representatives, political activists, and a group of unruly people, and learn the truth about their danger, but certain parties do not want them to approach them. The owner of the stick, who had been pardoned, also returned to the cemetery to wreak havoc there.

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