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WHAT is happening in our National Assembly between the men of the executive authority (ministers) and the legislative authority (the members of our National Assembly) reminds us of the games we used to play in our childhood such as the game of cat and mouse.

The National Assembly with its two powers has not held a single proper session since the time we elected its members and after His Highness the Prime Minister chose his ministers in December 2020 until now.

Some MPs have been disrupting the sessions from the time of the Speaker election, and we saw the voting barcode. They also attempted to prevent the new Secretary-General from calling the names of the members and the ministers, and the results of the election.

They used microphones as though they were in a used-car market. They insisted on sitting in the seats allocated for the ministers, which in turn led to the dissatisfaction of the ministers and their refusal to attend the sessions, the last of which happened during last Wednesday’s session, and this was followed by the announcement made by the National Assembly Speaker that the session was adjourned according to article 116 of the Constitution due to the absence of the ministers!

Such behaviors have led us to dislike democracy. I do not think a single tear will be shed by people if this National Assembly is dissolved constitutionally or unconstitutionally, because we and our democracy have become a tool of sarcasm for our friends and foes, and the lovers and haters of us.

Our representatives and ministers should have focused on the corruption that is rampant wherever we turn our faces. MPs should have also stood together hand-in-hand in the face of the rational government and its health minister for his confused and ill-considered decisions, due to which the number of new COVID-19 cases and related deaths have increased in Kuwait unlike other countries of the world.

These decisions have resulted in citizens and expatriates losing a large part of their income; many of them lost their jobs as well. We also see people being mentally disturbed and resorting to violence for trivial reasons, something that is new in our peaceful society.

There is no doubt that this was caused by the unjust and ill-considered decision to impose curfew, which resulted in a change in the mental state of citizens and residents for the worse. Young people turned to drugs that are available like sweets at the convenience stores at a cheap price. This has led them to commit violence such as the crimes that occurred in Kuwait in just one month. Because of these crimes, the people of Kuwait were mentally shaken out of fear for themselves, their children, and those they cherish.

A person who killed his girlfriend with a white weapon. Another slaughtered his mother and then stabbed to death a policeman who stopped him for violating the traffic law. Another ran over a patrol officer because the latter stopped him due to a violation.

May God protect us and save us from this health and political catastrophe that is almost destroying us, especially the MPs whom we elected for legislation and oversight but they replaced it with a game of cat and mouse.

By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

Former Minister of Oil