Echo of the Country in Jerusalem published an article on the Internet under the title ‘American Universities and the Coronavirus’ because of its weeping importance, I found it useful to shed light on it with some changes.
Johns Hopkins University and its sister concerns took the research legacy of science from the universities of Berlin and Göttingen, and made America rule the world? And what we are reading today in terms of numbers and news about the coronavirus, all issued by Johns Hopkins University.
“In 1636, while the Arab and Islamic world was governed by the Ottoman caliphate, with all its rigidity and backwardness, the ‘Harvard’ University was established in America, and then the College of William and Mary was founded.
In the 18th century, the Yale University was founded, and half a century later Princeton, Colombia and the Pennsylvania. The establishment of these universities marked the beginning of an important era in the new world, which culminated in the founding of Johns Hopkins University in 1876, and marked the beginning of the emergence of the United States as the next great power – thanks to the establishment of a new type of research universities, which aimed at research, science, knowledge output, industrial production, and economic return not graduating students.
The universities have become larger than many countries. The beginning was Johns Hopkins through a donation from the founder Hopkins and it remained the highest until it was surpassed in 2018 when the contemporary businessman Michael Bloomberg donated a billion dollars to the same university, in which he had previously graduated from and it is the largest scientific donation in the history of the world, and was allocated to pay fees of talented students who are unable to pay the annual fee of roughly $70,000.
In his book ‘Great Universities’, the American sociologist Jonathan Cole tells how the goal shifted from education to producing knowledge, and continuing to discover new types of knowledge, if Washington wanted to maintain the leadership of the world economy in the current century.
The research universities realized early that their mission was to provide scientific discoveries and productive research to institutions, and to prepare young people to be leaders in research and science, and this is what made major universities the basis of America’s progress.
It is noteworthy that the idea of “research universities” had previously been transferred from Germany. When Harvard University began in 1636, it had a religious tendency, but the scientist Benjamin Franklin changed its approach and took it away from church goals, adopting science and practical studies, so is there hope that we understand something of this talk?
Franklin, along with Johns Hopkins and Daniel Gilman, were the three big people to whom America owes its progress, for these are pioneering research universities. The founding of these universities was the most important event in the history of the Western Hemisphere.
There were always two parallel lines, businessmen and university leaders. There was the Rockefeller University, behind which the oil giant stood. Iron billionaire ‘Andrew Carnegie’ was behind the founding of Carnegie Research. Washington Duke, the king of tobacco, was behind the founding of Duke University.
The goal of the founders of these universities was not to profit, nor to graduate students, but rather to create leaders in every field, and this has brought into the wonderful alliance between two models of consciousness that led to the establishment of contemporary American power.
Most of the new production in America has come from these universities. Without it, there would be neither production nor economy, neither in peace nor in war.
Today, China is trying to take from America what the latter took from Germany through the ‘A Thousand Talents’ program, which represents a model of China’s relentless pursuit to replace the United States in the field of scientific research, as it realizes that this is what led America to the forefront of the world.
All this is happening in the world and we are busy justifying the actions of terrorists.
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By Ahmad alsarraf