
Representatives of the Brotherhood group, and their leaders in Kuwait, claim that the issue of Palestine is theirs!
If Hamas were not a member of the Brotherhood, they would not have shown half this sympathy for the cause.
They are the richest people in Kuwait and own huge commercial projects, often because of their affiliation to the Brotherhood group, and perhaps by investing their surplus funds. One member in his tweets blamed the Arab regimes for their positions on the Palestinian right, and that the right will not return except “with the disappearance of these Arab regimes,” as they are the reason for the losses of Palestinians!
I am not defending the Arab regimes. Rather, I am concerned with defending a national regime. This is not the first time one Brotherhood member has been exposed to it, with a high degree of insolence, forgetting that our national security was exposed to a real danger during the events of the Arab Spring, which the Brotherhood was behind, and this case was previously pointed out and paid attention to by the late Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad, and he eliminated the attempt.
What did the brother or the International Brotherhood organization do for Palestine, over the course of 75 years? What civilizational, educational or cultural projects have they established, at least in Gaza, other than rhetoric and demands to stand with the cause?
What is the aim of this preacher behind his tweets, his obscene attacks on Arab regimes, and his demand that their peoples “uproot” their rulers?! This same preacher had previously made very dangerous statements during the events of the Arab Spring, and he admitted, in a letter addressed to the “scholars of the sultans,” who demand that people obey the “guardian,” that he had no obedience to the ruler. He called on the people to rise and sacrifice blood, by all means, to achieve their rights.
He said that he never called for peaceful resistance to the Gaddafi regime, but rather called for confronting it with weapons, and that the first group that went out to confront him knew the names of its participants, and that they were young men whom he had trained.
Then the years passed by and the tone of the preacher himself changed, after the failure of the “revolutions” of the Arab Spring and the destruction of countries, only to discover the extent of the destruction caused by him and his international organization, so he returned and declared that those “revolutions” happened, and he played no role in them, nor in supporting them, either financially or with weapons, and he did not interfere in the matter at all, and it caused devastation, destruction, and misfortunes that hurt the peoples of those countries.
These people are not ashamed of lying, and their statements on YouTube are the best evidence of their lies! But the blame lies with the specialists and officials who remained silent about them, and still are!
One of the things that puzzles some people is the amount of wealth or comfortable life that all preachers live, almost without exception, and the manifestations of blessing that appear on them, in terms of clothing, housing, travel, and investment abroad, and perhaps all of this is from their share of what they collect.
You can find them in the videos riding well-trained horses and roaming across vast farms in Turkey, Bosnia, Kosovo, and elsewhere, and no party volunteered to ask them, “Where did you get this from?” Almost all of them had very humble beginnings in their lives, and were not known to be businessmen, other than using sticks to remove jinns from the bodies, so how did they become so wealthy?!
Also, the courts in Kuwait had previously issued rulings against some of those who collected money to support the Arab Spring revolutions and unrest, and demanded that they return the money they had collected in the form of donations.
We are also seeing, at an accelerating pace, a significant increase in fundraising activities, whenever a calamity or tragedy befalls us. The parasites among them feed on table crumbs, and announce the acceptance of donations to dig wells and hire preachers, while the relevant ministry has its mouth open and does not know how to deal with these fraudsters!! It is truly a crying and funny comedy, at the same time!!
By Ahmad alsarraf
e-mail: [email protected]