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‘No fatty food, more sex’The subject of this article is about what we should know about prostate disease, which I was diagnosed with more than 20 years ago.The subject also concerns women in our lives, the affected men and those who are over fifty years.Prostate enlargement – benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) – affects one in every three men. Each person has two kidneys which clean the body waste and filter it through the blood that passes through them and urine remains after liquidation which is stored in the bladder and then passes through the tubes, transmits it outside the body from time to time out of the sex organ.The prostate gland is located directly under the bladder, surrounded by a tube of urine duct. It is similar in form and size to a walnut weighing 20 grams. Its function is to produce the fluid in which the sperm swim in the testicles.After 50 years, and due to hormonal imbalances, the size of the prostate gets larger – five times than the normal size and puts pressure on the urine transfer tube that passes through the middle. Here, a man feels the change while passing urine, low and less flow, and sometimes loses control. Man sometimes has to wait for long before the urine comes out accompanied by pain and burning sensation.At the exit the urine passes through two valves, but they do not work well with prostate enlargement because of the obstacles inside the tube passing through the middle of the gland. Often, one feels that he has not fully emptied the bladder, which makes it work extra to keep the restricted urine. This creates a problem of wanting to visit the bathroom with a sudden feeling of desire to urinate, often in critical times, especially during sleep at night.Since men remain men, and do not want to tell anyone of what they suffer from, the problem grows with them. The urine stored for a long time in the bladder becomes contaminated and causes burning sensation when it comes out. There is also a possibility of the transformation of contaminated urine into solid crystalline granules that eventually turn into stones in the bladder or kidneys, and obstruct or close the urethra completely.Chronic problems begin to appear, as the size of the bladder grows and will need to store more urine, about five times as much as the contents of soft drinks. This may lead to the bladder being filled with more than its capacity to keep the urine, causing men to suffer from urinary incontinence or bed-wetting, and this may put strain and damage the kidneys. Some prostate patients also face the problem of being unable to urinate and this requires hospitalization.All of the above are health problems related to benign prostate tumors, but there are other diseases that affect the prostate, including swelling and cancer, and it is inevitable that a majority of men will suffer from prostate enlargement, but there are always many ways to co-exist with this problem. There is a strong relationship between what we eat and the diseases that affect us. Thirty-three percent of all cancer cases are related to what we eat, for example.Having fatty meat and milk daily increases our chances of prostate enlargement and not having vegetables and fruits daily doubles the problem. Tomato in particular should be made part of our daily meals. We need zinc, reduce sweet drinks, practice non-violent sports like running, avoid cycling, and keep walking since it is considered as the best sport. Men should minimize sitting for long periods, avoid wearing tight clothes, and avoid smoking, indulge in sex as much as possible.The good news for people with benign prostate diseases, according to the British Ministry of Health is that it agrees to cover the treatment of swelling of the prostate gland by steam, which can be performed under local anesthetic, and it takes a short period, and through the injection of hot vapor through the urethra and the destruction of dead cells in the duct and widening it and this will help the flow of urine smoothly and thus dispense with medication.It has been reported that the operation is being performed at the Hampshire Hospital by Urology Consultant Dr Richard Hindley.We hope that Dr Fawzi Abul, Director of Sabah Al Ahmad Urology Center will invite the consultant to visit Kuwait, conduct a number of operations and train the medical staff at the [email protected]By Ahmad Al-Sarraf