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Representative Al-Obaid directed the following questions to the Minister of Education: Due to the change in the educational system during the Corona pandemic, and its transformation from an “attendance” system to a distance learning system (online), which required an increase in teachers’ use of computers, please provide the following:

  1. What is the reason for not paying a screen allowance to teachers who worked during the Corona pandemic through the ‘teams’ application?
  2. Does the Ministry have a directive to disburse screen allowance? If the answer is yes, please provide me with the steps followed, the disbursement mechanism, and the method for determining those entitled to the allowance.
  3. Did the Ministry pay screen allowance to computer teachers for all educational levels?

It can be concluded from the MP’s questions that he means “financial benefit” for some of his voters, and it does not matter if thousands of others get the same benefit, even if they are not among those who deserve it, for “your uncle’s money does not matter to you”!

For the knowledge of the brother MP and the other brother, Minister Al-Mana, who is striving with great effort to send students back to Egypt and Jordan to study human medicine in unrecognized universities, in violation of his previous positions and opinions in this regard, which means that he is subjected to illogical and unfair parliamentary pressure.

They know well the scientific and ethical risks surrounding the issue, because it is scientifically known that there is no harm in looking at a computer screen. All that looking at it for a long time causes is some dryness, which usually results from a lack of “eye blinking,” and this can be easily overcome.

Also, the “harm” that comes from the computer screen must come with the same force from staring at the screen of a mobile phone, mobile device, or cell phone (whatever you call it), which has a different name in every Arab country.

Therefore, how is it permissible in the first place to give teachers an allowance for looking at the screen, and deprive students of it? Why don’t we give all citizens an allowance for looking at a mobile screen?

It seems that the “screen allowance” is widespread in many government departments, as if there are risks from using it. If we assume that there is such a health risk to the eyes, does the amount of the allowance justify exposure to that risk?

In a study by the prestigious American Harvard University, published on May 1, 2019, it was scientifically shown that daily exposure to lights emanating from computer screens has no effect on the “retina,” which is a thin tissue at the back of the eye that is responsible for vision.

The amount of blue light emitted by electronic devices, including smartphones, tablets, LCD TVs and laptops, does not harm the retina or any other part of the eye.

Blue light is visible light with a wavelength between 400 and 450 nanometers. As its name suggests, it is scientifically considered blue light, even though we feel it is white or any other color.

The reason for doubting that blue light contains more energy per photon of light than other colors in the visible spectrum is mainly due to the fact that exposure to blue light, in very high doses, causes damage when it is absorbed by various cells in the body.

This cannot happen with current devices. Therefore, the Minister of Education can use this study to reject the slave member’s request, which is neither logical nor justified. He should also stop reconsidering the decision to stop sending students to study medicine at low standard universities. The government, which is almost detached from reality, should stop the unjustified screen bonus.


Today, I donated a truckload of medical supplies to the Kuwaiti Red Crescent to deliver them to the afflicted people of Gaza; had also previously donated cash to UNRWA for the same humanitarian purpose. We hope that those who are able will emulate this humanitarian gesture.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf