Total ban on sale of Lyrica in Kuwait pharmacies

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Ministry of Health halts Lyrica distribution in private pharmacies amidst rising psychotropic substance concerns.

KUWAIT CITY, Jan 10: The Ministry of Health has decided to cease the distribution and sale of Lyrica in private pharmacies and private hospital pharmacies.

This decision comes in response to the recommendations put forth by the Joint Committee for Coordinating Work in Implementing the Provisions of Laws No. 74 of 1983 and 48 of 1987, which address the combat against narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and regulate their use and trafficking. The decision is also based on a report from the Drug and Food Control Affairs Sector.

Following the ministerial decision issued by Dr. Ahmed Al-Awadi, the Minister of Health, Pregabalin and Gabapentin will be transferred from Table No. 4 (substances and preparations authorized for dispensing in both government and private sectors) to Table No. 2 (substances and preparations authorized for dispensing exclusively in Ministry of Health facilities). This move follows observed increases in the prescription of these psychotropic substances within certain private sector institutions. It’s noteworthy that a previous decision by the Minister of Health mandated the establishment of a central electronic system under the Ministry’s supervision to monitor the recording of prescriptions for psychotropic substances and preparations dispensed by private sector pharmacies.

In a related decision, the Minister of Health has directed all concerned parties to halt the dispensing and sale of prescriptions for preparations containing Pregabalin and Gabapentin in private pharmacies and private hospital pharmacies. This directive is effective from the date of the first decision’s publication in the Official Gazette. Affected pharmacies are granted a maximum of two weeks from the publication date to either return or destroy the seized quantities of preparations containing these substances.

Furthermore, the Drug Inspection Department is authorized to seize the available quantities in private sector pharmacies, either returning them to the source or destroying them according to the approved mechanism by the Ministry of Health. The Drug Inspection Department, supervised by the Assistant Undersecretary for Pharmaceutical Control Affairs, is required to submit a detailed report on the implementation of this decision within one month from the date of its publication.

These decisions align with the recommendations of the International Narcotics Control Board of the United Nations and the Joint Committee’s guidance in enforcing laws against narcotics and psychotropic substances, regulating their use, and preventing illicit trafficking.

By Al Seyassah /Arab Times

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