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IT was not easy to dismantle the dominance of the Muslim Brotherhood Group in Tunisia. However, the attempt of President Qais Saied and the forces opposed to the “Ennahda” movement opened the door to isolate it after its widespread corruption that plunged this small and peaceful Maghreb country into conflicts unable to bear.

Hence, the downsizing of the group is considered to be the last pain caused by the international organization, and on the mother group, which stretches throughout the Arab world.

This started with Egypt, which suffered for 90 years from the terrorism of the Muslim Brotherhood Group and its relentless efforts to frame society within visions dating back to the Middle Ages. It then went through other Arab countries and several Gulf countries where it was able to infiltrate. It sought to show its followers that they are the bearers of the keys to heaven for the rulers who are approached by them with an elusive religious discourse, and to empower their followers from the reins of institutions.

They claimed that those who are in their favor will enter their “Paradise”, and those who refuse to obey them will be dismissed and excommunicated, let alone being damned.

Since 1928, the group has used terrorism, assassination and sabotage as a method to achieve its objectives. It sought to control education and adapt the curriculum according to its puritanical vision, as was the case in Saud Arabia, Kuwait, and other Gulf curricula when it enabled the group’s members to teach in those countries, where they adopted a curriculum that has nothing to do with true religion.

Given that money is power, a team of the members worked on preparing false frameworks for the concept of Islamic economics, through obscene financial institutions with its prestige under the title of profit-sharing, and the Egyptian “Al Rayan” as a model, which helped develop its wealth to spend on its plans in several Arab and Islamic countries.

The multi-billion scandal, which was obtained scandalously by the followers of the group in Tunisia, is only part of a series of scandals that began with the takeover of Egypt’s rule and the twisted control of its major institutions and companies.

Undoubtedly, all this was taking place with American-Israeli assistance, the strategic goal of which was to cut off the Sinai desert and displace Palestinians Gaza Strip to it, and declare it as an alternative autonomous region to the current Palestinian National Authority.

It is known that the Muslim Brotherhood Group was the last to participate in the uprising of January 25, 2011 in Egypt, and before that, the Tunisian people’s uprising in December 2010. However, when the group saw that the scale tilted in the interest of the uprising, it rode the wave.

Even though the Muslim Brotherhood Group was able to prolong its hegemony over Tunisia, it was unable to do so in Egypt despite its rigging of the elections, and its introduction of Mohamed Morsi. This is due to the fact that the Egyptian people discovered the extent of the destruction the group caused in state institutions, prompting them to go to the streets on June 30, 2013, and subsequently overthrow the Brotherhood rule.

In this regard, the Muslim Brotherhood Group does not differ from Khomeini’s approach, which exploited popular resentment against the Shah of Iran, and later rode the wave of revolution initiated by secular and progressive political forces, and proceeded to publish his speeches wrapped in enthusiastic religious language via “cassettes”.

Today, it can be said that the historical conflict with this group has come close to expelling the Muslim Brotherhood Group from the Arab scene for many years to come. Its nails have been shortened, which means that we are approaching the end of centennial terrorism of this group.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times