Turkey grants visa-free entry to 6 countries

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TURKEY, Dec 23: In a groundbreaking decision poised to boost tourism and enhance international relations, Turkey has unveiled a visa-free regime for citizens from six nations, including the United States, Canada, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Oman. Published in the Official Gazette of Turkey on December 23, the decree allows ordinary passport holders from these countries to enjoy visa-free entry for tourist visits lasting up to 90 days within any 180 days. This initiative is a key component of an extensive agreement with the European Union, demonstrating Turkey’s dedication to simplifying visa procedures and promoting easier access for travelers.

Turkey introduces visa-free travel for 6 nations, including Saudi Arabia, UAE and Oman.

The implementation of an online visa system by Turkey marks a significant advancement in travel convenience. Eligible travelers can now electronically apply for visas, receiving approval typically within 24 hours. The e-Visa, valid for a single entry of up to 90 days, streamlines the application process through a swift online exchange, ultimately delivering the visa directly to the applicant’s email once the application and payment are processed.

The impact of this policy change extends beyond the six newly exempted countries. Indian passport holders, for example, now have access to a comprehensive guide on visa requirements and application procedures for Turkey. Additionally, Ukrainian citizens benefit from the recent elimination of visa requirements by several countries, including Turkey, as global visa policies continue to evolve. Russian citizens, ranked 49th on the Henley Passport Index, have also seen a relaxation of visa requirements from various nations since December 2023, reflecting an ongoing trend of visa policy liberalization.

Visa policies worldwide often reflect geopolitical shifts and diplomatic relations. Turkey’s recent visa exemption aligns with its broader strategic goals, particularly its synchronization with the EU’s visa policy. This alignment extends to certain privileges for holders of diplomatic, service, or APEC Business Travel Cards, highlighting the nuanced approach nations take toward international mobility and access.

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