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Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

WHEN the fascist government attempted to execute the great Arab Jihadist – Omar Al-Mukhtar – in 1931, the impression was that it would end the Libyan revolution against the Italian invasion, but it went the other way around.

The insurgents revolted and broke the determination of invaders so much that the ‘gaseous’ forces withdrew 10 years later. One of the most powerful forces in the world at the time was defeated hands down, which led to the independence of Libya even though the population was not that much – only about two million people. Despite this, Italy could not defeat the resistance with its advanced military technology at the time.

Today, Turkey announced its plan to send forces to Libya to assist Al-Seraj government. It is pushing itself into a massive hell because the people of that country do not give up historically to any ‘gaseous’ force and they were not merciful to the agents of invasion. Therefore, the current permutations added to the series of wrong steps taken by Ankara in the past two decades as it embarked on the substitution policy to cover its rejection from the European Union membership. It has been playing the expansionist role in the Arab region by relying on the Ottoman expansion legacy as it is known in its foreign policy.

It is similar to the project of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement, which was the product of the ruling Justice and Development Party’s womb. After the Jan 25, 2011 revolution in Egypt that the Brotherhood used to snatch the government, Ankara thought it entered the Arab world through the widest gateway.

However, the June 30, 2013 revolution shattered its illusion. It worked on the Syrian line by supporting terrorist groups, but it was surprised when these groups were also defeated. It later moved to use Sudan as top of the bridge for the execution of its plans and failed again after the public revolution against the government of Al- Bashir and the Brotherhood.

The series of disappointments led to a search for another place to put its legs and it found only Libya whose capital is under the control of terrorist armed groups led by the Brotherhood, hoping it could serve as another gateway to North Africa. At this juncture, Ankara should study very well what happened to the Iranian expansion policy in the region as it continues to reap one failure after the other in Iraq and Lebanon where the people have been seriously revolting against its meddlesomeness, and it also continues to experience defeat in Yemen daily.

The current position taken by Turkey is nothing but a game of provocation being perpetrated by Ankara through Tripoli against the European Union, Russia and Arabian Gulf countries. It is for recognition of its regional role to make it a major player in the ongoing search for paradigm in the region. Nevertheless, it cannot lead to the desired objective, because the issue involves serious challenges amidst the complex situations and series of political and economic crises that Ankara is facing internally and externally.

In effect, any step it takes in Libya will put it in an unenviable situation since military intervention contravenes international laws. This is in addition to the fact that it will boost the terrorist militant force, which the international community will not allow. Realistically, Libya does not pose any danger to Turkish national security as the case in Syria and Iraq, if the claim of the Turkish political administration concerning the two countries is considered tenable.

As for Libya, there is no other interpretation for the meddlesomeness than to create headache for Egypt and the entire North Africa with revival of the Brotherhood project. This is tantamount to an attack on all the citizens of that region, in addition to the rest of the Arab world.

Amidst the Turkish expansion objectives at the expense of Libya’s independence, won’t the agent – Fayez Al-Seraj – whose tenure has ended, think about the situation of his country such that he does not allow it to be used as an avenue for another country craving for expansion with the blood of Libyans? Shouldn’t he learn from the fate of his compatriots who conspired with Italy to betray Omar Al-Mukhtar? Whoever betrays his country should think about the end of notable personalities in history, particularly how the invaders will deal with him in front of his compatriots. The situation of Libya is such that the people are naughty and breakable. The best example is the disastrous end of Gaddafi.

Even if the foreign forces did not enter the country, his people did not forgive him for maladministration. They revolted against him and it ended in his brutal killing. Will Fayez Al-Seraj and his cohorts learn from this?

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah
Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times
[email protected]